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Everything posted by dukematch

  1. True that dude, ive been given a lot of chances. Im just in a bad mood because i cant play on your jail break servers on the CT side for a whole week : ( I wont pull any of that petty shit again when im back.
  2. The only time i free killed in the past 3 days was when i opened the trap door by the couches. Which is what i was banned for. Also i completely disagree when you say i was "baiting" i have no idea where you got that idea from but that did not happen. the opening the cells part happened waay before i was banned for a day. You got the chronological order messed up because from what i know the only thing i did wrong after the one day ban was the couch incident
  3. Please take into consideration that i did in fact read the rules after being banned for a day; and i will defiantly not make those impulse decisions with out having a full understanding of what is going on around me. I can understand why the mod/admin who banned me for a week was fed up with all my other minor offenses prior, but the couch incident was defiantly a mishap on my part and i promise nothing like that will happen again. Thanks, Sam (DukeMatch) ---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ---------- ***BAN REASON AND UNBAN REASON MESSED UP; ILL POST THEM BELOW**** Ban Reason : On the prison break map CanyonDam, i pressed the couches button unaware that the prisoners were ordered their and about 3 - 4 died. I was then CT banned for 1 week. Also earlier that week i was CT banned for a day for dropping my pistol near a prisoner and it was looked upon as gun planting , and a few MINOR mishaps like so. So the admin or mod who banned me apparently banned for one week because "it all added up" Unban Reason: First off for the gun planting reason, i take responsibility for it - gun planting is a straight forward rule, but i did not intentionally do it to gun plant, i simply dropped it to close. And the other times were because i would be away looking for rebels or exploring a bit and punished for not staying near the prisoners. For the couch reason , i was unaware that the prisoners were going to that area and i just pressed it mindlessly. Now i believe i should of been at most kicked or banned for a hour or soo off of CT, to show that im in idiot. but not for a full week... i believe that is way to exaggerated. I read the rules after i was banned for a day from the gun planting incident and i have a good understanding of them now. So banning me for a WEEK from CT for something that doesn't directly go against the rules and because of my previous offenses (that i learned from) in my opinion is obscured and is the reason why i am writing this protest/appeal.