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Everything posted by Voxarp

  1. Voxarp


    I think he deserves a perm, he was trolling the server for ages. We went from a productive full server to an empty mess of one. He finally left hours later because he was stuck on T team and it wasn't fun for him anymore, the server then returned to normal. I told him I would be reporting him, yet he didn't stop. He obviously doesn't value playing on your servers, so why give him the privilege? Just my two cents.
  2. -Proofs Crashing the server by spamming weapons: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/902098651182980766/E86B6EF717E707B4F18A9D8B4C79FB3FEBFC7B27/ Refusing to let Ts out of cells: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/902098651182979087/4A547005D25D1479C200863F93B9E5233044D9BE/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/902098651182976982/A7C2D5EFEC77ECE7A67B2A49D84679F4E773939E/