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Posts posted by FurHappens

  1. I always play legit on xG especially on the TTT which I recently started playing. I had been playing and I had noticed that a guy was just recently locked into a traitor trap room and a guy walking out of the traitor room but he didn't notice me so i said KOS TOM because he was heading to the surface so he starts saying its a random KOS and to kos me. So later I find him and he shoots me with a shotgun so I fire back we run around and he says kill Furhappens so a guy with a glock gets me and he escapes but later dies by a car. Next round Skyfrost ignites me for no reason at all and says "this is for rdming last round" I find it abit funny that its considered rdm when He shoots first so I add him on steam and he ignores me, luckily easy comes on and I ask him to get skyfrosts attention so soon after that he dies and I ask him why he ignited me he said on mic it was rdm which it wasn't and then he said "here let me type it out" so he types out a statement which I have a picture of it and it said that this wasn't the first time I was rdm / breaking the rules and he didn't take action and the next time was a weeks ban which I haven't done. So I kept asking what was the first time "I broke the rules" and he wouldn't answer me and kept ignoring me even after easy kindly asked him to answer my question and he said "I already answered his question" which he didn't so he mutes me so I cant speak. So I find this idiotic and I hope something is done because I would hate to see xG with someone that doesn't even want to take the time to explain something and simply try to get rid of the problem by muting them. The proof is in the chat log.

  2. +1 even though people look at him for the Snoop dog issue. The true issue was it being able to be found so easily / even having such a site that's easily accessible I had even seen it in my opinion it wasn't very hard to fine in the first place. Now Mcneo doing this wasn't right in the first place BUT I believe this dos/ddos threat was a empty threat as if he truly wanted to do anything he wouldn't of agreed to find a better solution to the problem. He has been a great admin in the past and has done a lot for the community I believe he should atleast get a second chance he is not such a bad guy.

  3. I agree with every statement that he said he in my opinion is the hardest working admin in this community that does his job correctly it's sad to see him leave his adminship after the time he put in but I do see were he comes from and I agree with every word he said and maby more people will finally open there eyes. So good bye mcneo I can still poke you in steam though ;P

  4. Hate to see you go Fluff only really played with you on mg a couple of times but you seemed like a cool person. Your not the only one seeing it going down hill alot of the evidence is in the Jb servers and the paid mods that are like 10 - 12 yr olds. Anyways good luck with what you plan on doing

  5. Dat proof. Very solid. It's refreshing to get good proof like that in a ban request.


    +1, though not like it's needed;he'll definitely get banned either way.


    Well ive been a admin on alot of servers and had to deal with alot of derps for awhile so I cover all the bases I feel I need to get pictures of then I report them I usually also get them to admit to what there doing usually so they can't make a counter claim to get around anything :3

  6. We were playing on Mini games on push circle and I was using a auto sniper when Spartan said "fuck your auto noob" "if u don't stop ur getting booted for a day im not admin but I can" http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/939248355123711583/1E32FE8AB2A3F11C6E24F8B103AD4ED170A9084B/ now I basically ignored it till he kept complaining and going on about it so I asked how he planned on doing so and he said saying "no I will on a web site called booten" http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/939248355123721771/E95B0E46F70596AF4BC6F553653D470E8C1BDA25/ so to get full proof for this forum I went into chat because I was using a mic to get him to admit he was directing this to me so here that picture for you http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/939248355123724309/479C9277A7C9D114444E10499D7675C748734217/ .I believe that the way he acted was out of hand and joke or no joke I do take this as a threat and I hope something is done about it.


    Picture of his steam id


  7. If something happens, type @ in team chat followed an explanation of what happened. This will put it into admin chat to protect your identity, and it's also nice bright green text so it stands out for us. And please use details, if you just say "freekill" then it's going to take us longer to figure out what happened.


    but this is the issue we have and what I put in my other comment they don't listen usually the few times ive been on jailbreak I had to go to admin chat and tell the issue and usually there in spectator. So I do understand they could be busy with people but when the CT's are able to free kill still after 3-4 round without any sort of notification from the admin then that's when it gets a bit ridiculous don't you think? especially when most of my time as T is being dead 4 seconds into the round.



    One of the big problems is that people don't report things, or don't report them properly


    and for this I must say if we were to report the people on jailbreak server then there would be tops 5 players on there because the rest would be banned for breaking the rules but at least we may have a CT side that follows the motd

  8. Would be nice if there was a plugin that's one of the many reasons I don't play jailbreak to many free killers and rule breakers. And no disrespect but even when the staff is on ive noticed that they seem to allow the rule breaking 8/10 when im on at least I will even go into admin chat to message them when there's about three admins on and and sure enough 3-4 rounds later that same person people complain about is still on CT freekilling. Not saying all admins/moderators allow this but it seems to be more lenient in jailbreak

  9. Nope ive been with xG for awhile sorry if that complete confused you but as I said in the last quote he will e banned in the end if he was to "ban SOME people" and like I also said he wasnt on yesterday so there wasnt anyway of him to make such a statment hope that helped :3

  10. Shake there are 3 pikachus that go on xG there asianpikachu, cacasianpikachu and a new pikachu that I recently saw today on mg plus asian is on my list and everytime I looked he was not in a game and I highly dought he would "ban everyone" and if he did dont you think he would be quickly taken out and everything would be reversed? Logic people logic :P



    Back to his app i give him

    M 7/10

    A 10/10



    I believe he would make a good moderator considering we need good ones since all the derps were let loose. He knows the rules and hes constantly on jailbreak hes got abit of a temper at times but hes cool

  11. Didn't really think it would come to such but this is my opinion when i came into the server During this time Mcneo is correct in the statement that everyone was killing themselves that entered the map picking room because they thought it was funny but in reality it only made Mcneo have to slay everyone to reset the round he was also hesitant to slay the people but because we were screaming on the mics to get the round going he did so, so we could play. Mcneo is also correct in the fact that he did say the next person to do this was going to be kicked and it just so happened that serious was the next one to be picked for the map room. Now I do believe Serious was trying to be funny when Mcneo stated that he would kick the next person to do it and because Serious is a moderator and he can kick himself he did it but at the time people were getting irritated such as myself and some of the people on the server because everyone was wasting the round.


    i kicked myslef after to save you the hassle, so i did it. I guess im sorry for trying to punish rule breakers, which in this case was myself.


    Now don't you find this statement funny when he previously said that he did it out of a joking matter but now hes saying that he did it to punish the rule breakers (himself). First off I doubt that this statement could even be believable with the sarcastic tone it gives out but I simply believe he did it out of fun because everyone else was doing the same thing and this was in no shape or form away to (moderate).



    He was laughing over mic saying do it


    I'm curious who is "He"?




    Your words were do it and be kicked, so i did not suicide first i dont understand the diffrence, i punnished myslef to your specifications, so i dont see the problem


    The problem is that you shouldn't of done it in the first place again I understand everyone was doing this to be funny but this became a serious matter after Mcneo had to slay all the people two times just because the map pickers decided it was funny to kill themselves the other problem is that you kicked yourself knowing full well what you were doing it considering your kick message was "ima a ass" sort of seems like a spite act towards Mcneo plus if memory serves me right after you kicked yourself you came back and started to laugh about the actions you did.


    This is my opinion if I had to choose I would have say that Serious is more in the wrong in this case.

  12. Well I suppose when you see the acceptiance message and then later find out it was a mistake and you would have to wait a additional 24 hours then yes I suppose you would be abit impatient but nothing I can do but simply wait so... ya :P