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Posts posted by FancyDuck

  1. "Constantly freekills, doesn't know the rules, shouldn't be on CT."



    If You Are Still Mad About When You Got In Front Of A Rebel That Was Killing Most Of The CTs And Almost Killed Me Then Like I Said In Steam Chat I'm Sorry And I Didn't Mean To Shoot You I Meant To Kill The Rebel. I'm Not Sure If I Got You Mad In Any Way At Me Before Because You Called Me Retarded And Stupid Before. I'm Not Trying To Be Your Enemy But You Still Seem To Dislike Me. "Constantly freekills" I Deny This Also If I Did Then Wouldn't Someone Be Mad At Me Other Than You Or Me Being Team Banned Or Mabye An Admin Ban Me Or Kick Me."doesn't know the rules" Ok In Steam Chat You Write That If I Don't Know The Rules Then I Shouldn't Be Playing As CT But Some how You Say That I Don't Know The Rules, And I'm Wondering If You Can Read Minds Or You Just Make Up Stuff To Ruin My Day. I Friend You On Steam And Ask You Nicely How To Become A Member And I Thank You For The Help But I Didn't Ask You To Ruin My Chance To Become A Member. I Have Not Said Anything Bad About You Or Even Talk About You In Anyway Even Though You Have Been Really Rude And Mean Towards Me. Like I Said To You 2 Times I'm Sorry And Didn't Mean To Make You Mad At Me At Me In Anyway.

  2. Hello I Well love playing counter strike and i especially love the jailbreak server that you guys have. I Really am quiet and i try to be good at counter strike and sometimes i might fail a few times but i don't suck. I never try to be annoying and i would really hate to be annoying.