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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by JosephKony

  1. Well hello all! For those of who. Who do not know me I'm Joseph Kony, or on steam Jesus Christ (Joseph Kony). I played a a lot when the surf server was populated, so quite a while back. I'm going to be more active now xG, I just wanted to give a friendly HEY... to all who look here. Anyways, goodbye for now.
  2. I'm back now. Where the hell did all my surf perps go??
  3. Sorry, I wasnt on for awhile have been busy.
  4. I think I'm worthy enough to be in xG, not may people may know me that well. But I have been spend alot of time on the CSS surf server. I am not annoying, I treat all players with respect. I am not annoying, very much more mature for my age. I have had CSS for many years, but have jsut recently started playing again now. But please, accept me into XG, if not then thats okay. I do know the rules for xg. Thank y'all for looking at my request.
  5. Its me Joseph Kony, I spend all my time On Xg RPG Surf server. Not many people know me but a few have heard my voice. I am decently skilled at that and will be trying to get more in depth with xG. If you ever wanna talk, i'm always on chat or the surf server. I have been on it every day the last month and even more time before that... But anyways, :wink-new: