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Everything posted by Knightwolf

  1. @@Draxxx: because let's say I get unbanned, I'll probably just get banned again at a later date by Ero again; why would he change his mind from one day to the next?. @DuckiiJr: then we should ban a lot more people then because every does bullshit shots every once in a while, it just happened that I had a good day apparently. Just because someone is doing relatively well on a map, does not mean he/she is hacking. I would understand suspicions if I was accused like all the time. But just one day of me doing fairly well, that's a little bit unfair. Some people pick up these games better than others.
  2. At this point, I don't really mind the 1 day ban, because I can wait a day. I am honestly not hacking at all, and if you watch anything he has, you can see that. I like playing on your minigames server, it's always fun, and I have a good time. But when or if I do get unbanned, how am I to know I'll get banned again or even permanently? :s. Well that I have to leave to you guys. Goodnight :3.
  3. I was pretty sure that it was a 1 day ban, almost everyone does that, but I'm just saying that I wouldn't want to get unbanned, and then when I get on there to get banned again. I like playing on your servers :\.
  4. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51195170 Your Nick Name/In-Game Name: Knightwolf Reason why you were banned(If you don't know this put n/a): I was banned by EroSennin because he thought I was hacking and the accusations of some others as well. Why should you be unbanned?: I find it unfair that I was being accused of using hacks and then banned for something I wasn't doing.