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Posts posted by McDizzle

  1. really because heres how i remember it i killed 10 people someone was afk and was like what happened then everyone said ban mcdizzle then i got kicked then i was banned it also originally said i was ban as a CT for 10000 minutes (1week) then i checked again and it said permanently banned. Something sounds pretty fucked up here if you ask me, why can't you just unban me from the server and keep me banned as a CT!?

  2. its not a whole 10 i got perm banned from the whole server what is so hard to understand about that i could care less about a CT ban i just dont see why they would perm ban me as a terrorist when you literally cant break rules as a terrorist

  3. i didnt even realize that it was mass free kill i got this game like a week ago my friends showed me this server which was clearly the best i didnt read the rules good im sorry but i dont just go around doing that regularly