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Everything posted by einsteinsasist

  1. Hey there, I'm einsteinsasist (broken up as Einstein's Asist.) The only reason it looks like my name is a bad moment of dyslexia is because, I wanted to put my Steam name einsteinsassistant, but it was too long and contains the word 'ass.' So, had to improvise Anyway, on and off, I play on the JB server, since I suck at CS:S proper. I'm more of a TF2 kind of guy, and I'll be honest, I am a bit of a hatfag. I'm pretty good friends with Jihad, and a few other people might know me if I actually played on the JB server more often. So, I hope I can get to know you guys and put my name out there a bit more. Also hoping that one particular line in the agreement is just a joke, since I value my ownership of my own willpower ("By agreeing to this, you agree to sign away your life, giving it to Xeno Gamers. We may use it when we see fit.") Also, while you're still here, any reason I, for some reason, can't link my Steam account and forum account together? It keeps telling telling me that there was an error with my request.