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Article Comments posted by Kyoko

  1. I hope I'll be capable of restoring CS:S to how it once was, if I'm given the chance to. Regardless, grats @Barmithian and @Insane!

    ye bastard. Get CS:S to what it was before the steampipe update and i will play cs:s again. OR just give us hub. I'll play then too

    I come back from inactivity and lee takes my spot wtf.

    YOUR BACK <3


  2. I compiled the list, so don't start blaming serbian yet. At the time, only @@Audible_Savage was on, so I asked him to give me the MC list, (still haven't seen super) and his list was only Lemons. If there is verification you are promoted (SS of you with mod powers, or super saying you were) then I can edit that in.

    I would have posted it myself but you have to be Co to post in this section.

    all right Here is the screenshot Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

  3. He split off and made his own community, then soured his relations with xG by pulling a "towelie" and copying our TF2 rules without giving proper sources or even asking for permission.

    Inb4 another clan war

    There was really no "clan war" with WD to begin with. Please don't instigate a situation that's been solved already.

    wasnt trying to instigate anything. But what evs

  4. Wheres Prius? isnt he helping with the hub? i havent seen him around lately

    He split off and made his own community, then soured his relations with xG by pulling a "towelie" and copying our TF2 rules without giving proper sources or even asking for permission.

    Inb4 another clan war