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Posts posted by AgH4

  1. Love the game. I recommend it to anybody looking for a realistic shooter. Even if you only like flyin helis it's got it. It's only in Alpha but is showing strong promise and a growing community. Of coure it has it's bugs it's alpha. If we did have a server I'd help run it from all the petty kids that do nothing but troll. I would not want to be the one in charge of the server and all that shit jus would like Admin and help. Also if we do have one I say we shud have a coop server so we can recruit people that work good as a team. I'd be willin to donate.

  2. The guys an asshole cuz he wants to keep the server running smoothly. I feel like I was the same way when I first started playing. It got started cuz he disrespects everyone. The majority of people are backing him up. To me that says something.

  3. I'd have to -1 this. Good guy, might call ya a dumbass but it's because ur doing things that a dumbass would do. He keeps the server fresh and has new things to do. I never hear him talking bad about anybody and he enforces the rules to the max which is good. He understands the game and dislikes having 15 min rounds so thats a plus. Again he keeps everybody in check with the rules and let's you know what you do wrong. One of my fave peeps to play with even if I do die by jumping every other round.

  4. To the people who don't have flashlight bound give them a sec to bind it. If they can't do it quick enough kill em for delaying. The first question is a good question. If I have crouch on toggle and before we take 1 step out I decide I want to crouch then by taking the 1 step out and staying crouched I would be following orders yet as he said almost anybody will shoot you. You should put something in the rules about it.

  5. -Age I'm 21 and I'm drunk as fuck.

    -Competitive experience (CSS/CSGO) (May not be required)PSh Competitive on 1.6 WASSSSSSUPPPPP naw really tho won a 300 dollar tourney lol and im a lvl 3 star man on csgo (i suck til i get warmed up lol)

    -Time zones and availability Cent whenever you need

  6. I set out on a journey to what most know as jailbreak. Things took a turn for the worse and, 5 bowls and 100 freekills later I was in jailbreak hell. Things looked normal at start to the unkeen eye, you began the day in your cell with your cellmate, awkwardly but like normal sitting on the toilet across from one another while trying not to lock eyes. All of a sudden things took a turn for the worse. I first heard T's rambling on and on about nothing while others spammed music, not just any music, TEH SPAMM0RZ KIND!!!!! Then the warden came on, telling all the CT's to give the T's guns to kill the freekiller. To most people this would seem like an amazing day but then the scary part kicked in THERE WAS LIKE A MILLION FREEKILLERS! I went to do somethin about it when all of a sudden DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNNNN I couldn't do shit. So it's hell. Jailbreak hell. And I'm high, what's new? Almost the year.

  7. Not sure really how to say it and I'm sure there's already one out there that I'm not aware of but if there isn't..........


    How about having a list like........


    Bait-Kick for an hour

    Mass Freekill-Slap on the wrist....kidding but you get my drift.

    Or if we do have a list out like that already I wouldn't mind seeing it.

  8. It's jus that I asked a simple question in another thread saying does the warden have to give specific orders and they made it seem like its obvious in that thread making me feel idiotic(not saying they talked down jus sayin made me feel like it was common sense). So when I hear an order be UNDER the sign on porsche wall not jus be on the wall wit the porsche sign it irritates me that he doesn't realize he jus gave an order that even he is not following through with. Then on top of that while I explain it to him over 4 times in chat he thinks I'm bitching about getting killed in FRLR. It jus seems to me that people will say one thing but when it comes down to them it's ok, or they jus look past it. If he hadn't said be under the sign I would have ran to the top of the stairs and stayed on the wall with the porsche sign, although I'm sure I would have been killed like I always am. It jus seems that in one thread people say one thing, while in game they do the opposite. I will say this once again just as I said in another one. Write a fucking rule saying WARDEN BE EXACT WITH YOUR ORDERS.

  9. I specifically was told by the warden shentrunks to be under the sign of porsche wall and to face wall. I was killed because i was last to jump like i told him idgaf that i died. I wanted the 2 people NOT under the fuckin sign to be killed yet he ignores me..... I don't bitch unless the person that gives an order doesn't follow his own fuckin orders...... makes no god damn sense that after I FINALLY got thru to him he said oh no they're ok. THEN DONT GIVE A FUCKIN ORDER BE UNDER THE SIGN. use some common sense if you give a specific order follow thru wit it get ur head out of ur ass. I had to tell you like 3 times i wasn't bitching that i died. god damn........


    THAT is why I don't fuckin play that much anymore.

  10. Mods tend to think they're right since they earned the spot when I have other members sayin yea....... i didnt see him turn around. Again............. I let it slide. At least have the balls and common courtesy to say sorry. And we'll leave it in the game room. Yea people prob file complaints about me, but that's because I do EXACTLY what one of my other posts asks. He said face main block of cells. I scanned from the left cell of main block to right back and forth. Plentry of people see me doin this and leave me alone. A mod comes by and kills me.......... Wouldn't have even made a fuckin post about it. Jus no apology makes me want to rip ur dick off bud.