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Posts posted by gollygee

  1. I accessed the server about a minute ago with the same ip/steam account that was banned. I don't know if this means that the ban was temporary or not, but I'll stay off the server until someone replies to this thread confirming that it was a temporary ban.

  2. I appreciate you dedicating your time to reading.


    Full responses:


    Ban Reason: I'm not quite sure. Around 30 minutes ago, I was playing the server. A round on the map called "the_lost_temple" had just begun. I had died during the preparing stage and had spawned back as a traitor to start the round. I was just falling down the scaffolding when the mod, Shaggy, shouted out "Gollygeemister is shooting at me!" I was utterly confused as I had just entered a side tunnel. I responded with "No I didn't, I don't even have a gun." I then bought a radar so I could avoid everyone because Shaggy called me out for no reason. Then, I accidentally ran into Shaggy, at this point I still had no weapon, and he killed me. So he spectator chat I stated "I was just rdm'd ._." And SkyFrost was also spectating. I believe Sky then slew Shaggy. Those two continued to argue for about a minute or so. And lo' and behold I ended up banned. Now, I moderate on other games and feel that this behavior is abhorrent. I don't know if the ban is temporary, which I hope it is, as I enjoy the server quite a bit.


    Unban Reason: Now, I'm not angry at Shaggy or SkyFrost. I think the ban is an unfair one, sure, but I'm not one to hold a grudge. I wasn't disrespectful to the staff, hell, I hardly even talked. Also, I try to follow the rules as best as I can. I'm still learning here. I've only had Gmod for 2 or 3 days now. If this whole thing is futile, I'd at least like to hear from SkyFrost or Shaggy as to why I was banned.