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Everything posted by YouDontSay

  1. I am sorry for not replying because I thought we are not allowed to reply to other members comments. I would like to start by saying that I still believe minecrack was wrong because when he was a paid mod, he would always bait and he had freekilled a few times but thats ok because people make mistakes. What i remember had happened was that minecrack had started baiting in jb_lego and then he freekilled me and another player but declined to slay himself and one of the admins or mods that was on had said that they cant do anything about it. we then started arguing about how he doesnt know some of the rules so he gagged me, and then i made the stupid mistake of talking in /me chatting so he kicked me and when i came back i said that he couldnt just gag me and kick me for something that he did wrong so he said that if i talked one more time, he would ban me. For the members that complain about me "rule braking," I dont know how to respond to that because I have not played CT for a very long time but sometimes i do get switched to CT but i only stay on it for a round or 2 so I wouldnt know how i am braking the rules on T. I will admitt some people I disrespect but I only do that when they had said something to me or dont know the rules and are freekilling or something like that. One last thing, I believe that you shouldnt judge some1 on what others have said because its not always true. I think that is all I have to say, I hope you guys can change that -1 to a +1 and thank you for reading this
  2. A little about my self: I am from Egypt and CSS is one of the only games that I play. I have a mic but I really hate to use it and I hope that I can be in xG because they have two of my favorite servers (Jailbreak and RPG Surf.) I have been playing on those servers for about 4 month maybe and I have over 3 days played on each of those servers. I mainly play on weekends only and also breaks. Finally, I would really appreciate it if some members were to vouch for me. Thank you so much for read this.