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Posts posted by Paegus

  1. Dear whoever put up those Hidden:Source servers,


    First off, thanks! With the recent popularity explosion, it's been in dire need of servers. 14 odd is a massive help.


    However there is a slight problem. Hidden:Source is designed for 9 players not 10. The 10th slot is intended for SourceTV or Administrative slot reservation. It was never meant to hold a living player.


    Having 10 players will cause random client crashes as there are not enough heads to fit the extra player models.


    Please either set the maxplayers to 9 or lock that last slot off with SourceMod or something. I know it looks better but it also either puts people off a seemingly buggy mod or is a massive headache when people flood the H:S forums complaining about random client crashes.


    Muscho Gracias,