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Posts posted by Cookiesars

  1. Dubai,


    Warden - When cell doors open go to the center circle.

    Me- Do not kill me I am going to soccer

    Ct- Boom

    Me-Slay that CT

    Same Ct- Freeslay

    Me- The closest circle in the map that is surrounded by other circles making it the center circle is in soccer.

  2. Just gonna step in here, is impersonating not meant as in impersonating an admin or impersonating a member of out clan.

    From what I have seen from this thread is he had a different clans tag on which should be their problem and a name. I could come up with plenty of names and wear them in any server I wanted. I could even go to a clan website first figure out there leaders name change my steam name ~10 times to resemble I have been using that name for awhile then go on the server with a different tag on, and the people would just think that I use the same alias on the internet as there leader.


    I do not know if he was talking over voice or in chat and saying stuff to make it look like he was Poncher, but I do not see it being total hardcore impersonation if he just had the name Poncher and was not making a big deal about it at all nor if he was not pretending to be a member/mod/admin/anything else of our clan.


    Just wanted to input what I thought.



    Just want to get a poll about this instead of just Chrono saying NO because "if you bad do not play maps you can not beat"


    in most CS:GO course maps once you get to the end you die. There is nothing making you use this cpmenu if you want to challenge yourself, having this on lets people play more as if there is one or two people who can get a lot further in the map then others they could save and die, and then teleport back to where they were which will allow people to have more fun.


    For the maps that do have something that happen in the end, we could make a rule like "you can only press the button when there is 3 or less people alive, or if you beat the whole map without cpmenu except for a save to respawn others"


    Some might say that cpmenu is cheating cause you teleported to the thing you died on, which in the end you will still need to beat the obstacle, this will give people practice on traps for they can maybe one day beat the whole map without cpmenu instead of spending 5 mins to get to a obstacle that you have been having trouble with, and possible making the whole server wait for multiple minutes each round for you to get back to the spot.


    Those are just a few reasons I think it should be allowed on the server.


    Please vote - and leave any opinions about why or why not the server should have cpmenu

  4. Because the usual 2 backpack colours are red and blue, i would believe that the new backpack colour in the game of 3 choices red blue and black would be black. He was also only ct banned for a day


    edit - its green and not blue anyways

  5. Not posting a video but my idea of good last ct songs would be a song that:


    starts right away, no real build up.

    is fun

    atleast 30 seconds long for you dont go crazy with it on

    and something that people wont mind hearing over and over while not listening that far in to the song

  6. To get the low grav all a T needs to do on purpose or accident is be in the armory in the area with the poll, that area has low grav. if you exit that area you lose the low grav, because you didnt leave the area you keep the low grav.

    This glitch was originally found when a Dodge ball lr ran out and the T kept the low grav on the next round because the lr never ended and the gravity did not reset


    Unlimited T's can get the low grav as long as they are in the right area at the right time on purpose or accident.


    To lose the low grav all a CT needs to do is order you onto a ladder.


    side note about dubia, you can go on top of the map but if you fall down you cant get back and its a slay unless that rules has changed without me knowing


    just to throw a scenario in.


    T has low grav, does not jump so ct does not know, brings t's the jump-rope or climb, t has still yet to jump. game starts and t then starts to jump is there any favouritism then.


    The only way I can think of to completely remove this bug/glitch is to set everyone's gravity at the start of the round.

  7. ok now do it without jumping in and having someone randomly turn it to that speed, even if a person said im changing the speed at X:XX there is always human error and can there is no way in telling if he will do it at X:XX:0001 or X:XX:9999 then the position of the jump rope could be in a place that if you are not already jumping or not jumping yet would kill you. I have also made 5-6 jumps in there jumping from the outside, its just impossible to live for a minute or w/e like it is with the jump-rope on kajoly, dubai and any other map like that. ebics map was too fast to constantly dodge also but it only does 10 damage per hit

  8. After looking at this thread most of his +1's has come from people who play CS:S and either sit in the CS:S channels or sit in the community channels talking on tinychat or w/e Nova and Chrono did +1 him yes, but im guessing that with the responses everyone else gave being I HEARD hes a jerk and stuff like that as I know I have not seen a few people who posted this in the CS:GO server and I am quite sure they have not talked to line in TS as he either sits in the counter strike global offensive area or a person limited channel.


    So in my opinion anyone who has not actually spoken to the guy or been around him in some way +1's should not matter as there going on what they hear and not what they know.


    What also makes me sort of mad is that this post was made by Akio, After asking around no one has seen him for over a week in TS or our server, but I have heard of people seeing him wearing a different tag all thought I am not too sure what that is all about


    In the end after getting to know line, yes he can be an sometimes, but so can Chrono and Nova. -1 from me as he is just a person who is wanting to play a game online and have fun.


    tl:dr -1 anyone who posted +1 and has not talked to him are sheeple

  9. Ok so i didnt slay you but I would of if Line didnt just get his mod powers. if you did look in chat Obama said why you were slayed and that it was legit, I said it was legit and Line said it over mic, You did not specify to crouch until you shot him, you said crouch to top of isolation ramp, after that you told them to go into soccer via the bottom soccer door line started to run as you did not tell him how to proceed and you shot him then started saying over and over i said crouch i said crouch.

  10. The reason you got banned is because you kept saying "The bottom of the MAIN cell stairs" you then preceded to kill everyone who went to the stairs that are on the MAIN cell block, you then started saying that you did not say main over and over and would not listen to me. This is not the only time I have seen you completely deny a obvious freekill.


    I counted AT LEAST 8 kills during this time.


    Shadow was also in the server and also heard you say MAIN cell stairs, he also tried to explain it to you in game but obviously you did not want to listen.


    The only reason it is a week ct ban instead of a month is because I do believe you did this on accident.

  11. When ct banning via the menu you only get 4 choices, freekilling, no mic, button spamming, and freeshooter. that is why it says button spamming


    the reason you were banned is because you spent multiple rounds, sitting there shooting the vending machines, i think trying to get one into the tram or something, but you were clearly not watching the T's and did not need to be on ct

  12. The answer is 9


    I just realized I am a Idiot, what i have been saying is 6/2(1+3) =3/4 for the following reason


    This is what i thought


    So you have 6/2(1+3), if you type this into google it changes the equation to (6/2) * (1+3)


    the answer google gives is 12, that is correct for the equation it does it for


    now with 6/2(1+3) you can see the 2 is beside the (1+3) with no /, *, -, or + in between


    because of this you must Multiply the 2 into the brackets or parentheses, This is part of BEDMAS or PEMDAS because it is involving the brackets/parenthses


    you then have

    6/ (1*2+3*2)

    =6/ (2+6)

    =6/8 which can be simplified down to 3/4


    some people think that the answer is 12 from this


    =6/2(4) <----- brackets around 4 should not be there, keeping it for it is not 6/2 4



    this is what google comes up with because it ads the * in between the 2 and the (1+3)


    I just figured out that 6/2(1+3) is actually 9



    =6/ (2*1) + (2*3)





    this is from the brackets disapearing after you multiply the 2 into the 1+3


    6 / (2*1) + (2*3)


    after i looked this up http://www.saddleback.edu/faculty/aorrison/mathhelp/parenn1.htm


    i noticed the brackets actually go away once you multiply into this


    I feel like a dumbass right now but still smarter then the people who said 12, so to anyone who said 9 I am sorry for arguing with you.