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Posts posted by EggTalk

  1. Hello xG Members!


    I don't see any format, so I'll go with what I know, from previous admin applications.


    I was searching through deathrun servers and found your server. I was rather intrigued, because it had a low player count. I went on, and for the past month I've been playing on your server almost non-stop. Although, just recently, the first admin I've ever seen joined. This spawned the idea that: I should become a member! (or Mod/Admin). I thought about how unactive the admins are, and about how active I am.


    So, onto the stuff that matters. I'm currently 16, turning 17 in February. My voice isn't that low, but it's low enough to keep your ears from falling off. About the tag I have after my name, it's a recreational group I created, but it's really just for the name of the group. As you see, I was never a member of xG, but I'm currently a General Manager on a Minecraft server named Hollowed. In the past, I've also been an Admin on some TF2 servers, but not for long, as they shut down.


    Thanks for your time, and I hope you accept my application.


    ~ EggTalk :welcoming: