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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. I am Charlie. So this guy Xz9 has freekilled multiple people I have caught him on tape twice now i figured its enough to get a ct ban of some sort. First video happened today at approx 2 a.m. est he stabbed someone while they were afk frozen claiming that he was freekilled by him last round and did not care if he was slain, but refused to slay himself.




    The second video is of me searching for some camping CT's on a freeday i poke my head over wipeout control sand ask the guy if he wants to make out then he shoots me in the head. i Loled about it, but kept the video and i have seen more than just these 2 rule breaks.




    Once again XG Stay Sexy

  2. I am Charlie. This guy throws a grenade into the stack and clearly did not care didn't slay himself or say sorry just went on about his day. I am not asking for a perma for it was only 1 freekill and lots of freeshot damage. Maybe a ct ban for a couple of days or something till he learns the rules if he comes back.


    And he was gone before i could snatch his steam ID hopefully you can still find him in your records 10pm-12pm 27th of OCT

    Thanks XG Stay Sexy



  3. Ok Shadow I want to get my point out here before you start filling peoples heads with your poor poor me stuff. Before you were a Mod I had Zero problem with you the day before your Mod Gratz Btw. You were outside on Dubai watching armory with a Scar with No Permission from your warden which is against the rules seeing as you were with no T's and watching armory awaiting T's to come out. Now whenever I am on and you are in the room under secret (imma catch Charlie mode) Name Shyguy. I cannot curse because you will gag me whether it is directed at someone or not which i think is Abuse. If you gag me for this why are you not gagging all of the other people on the server for cursing. This is a mature server correct? I am not sure how old you are, but you act like you are 12 with unlimited power trying to get rid of me from a server I have been playing on for well over a month. Lots of people enjoy me on the server and some don't like me the ones that don't like me is because I call them out on rule breaking like camping armory going back into armory or even the occasional Tarp from the warden before 12:00. You on the other hand whenever i say anything in chat or over mic just reply Disrespect and will Gag or kick. I am now recording every second of game play on the server not to catch you in the act, but to make sure free killers, campers etc are ct banned or perma banned. I will however be logging your future Abuse/Disrespect to me and all others that feel the same way. Zhrined has Warned me based on what you told him today which I have recorded saying that i called you a Faggot out of the blue 4 days ago and this is me warning you I will be recording every second of game play until I feel you are under control. Thanks Stay Sexy XG

  4. He was 21-4 by freekilling the round i recorded we were told to go kill him so we could play without being freekilled and that is what happened.


    Many Witnesses: Smegma, hex999, igotdced, cerberus, toolmysweetass, atticus finch 713, orange fox, sweet lemonade, yankee, the planet uranus etc.


    Once again mass freekilled 3 round in a row then left after killing 3-4 T's while camping armory.[video=youtube;U8Dt9gKLReU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8Dt9gKLReU