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Posts posted by edmundcong

  1. Yeah my bad I think I accidently perma banned you when I meant to ban you for an hour


    anyway here is what happened


    I was MSGed on steam about a freekiller on the CT team and how they needed an admin. I then joined the server and right as I joined I saw you shoot the LRer and then everyone reaction was like Oh look hes freekilling again. You then claimed it was an accident but everyone said otherwise and how you've been doing it every round. Once everyone noticed an admin joined they told me that you needed a perma ct ban for freekilling but before I could ask you anything, you left when the next round started. I assumed from the the shooting the LR and from everyone's reaction and then the sudden leave from the server that you were a freekiller and left once you saw an admin. You said that I didn't warn you but how am I supposed to warn someone when they leave? You didn't even state your case to me you just saw that I joined and left. So anyways I then banned you for an hour but if it says perma banned then it was a mistake and needs an unban. My bad.


    oh i didn't see that you had joined , ileft because iwas really embarrased. sorry about that, i understand an hour or a day band is completely reasonable


    nice dp btw ;_; [ATTACH]3840.vB[/ATTACH]
