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Posts posted by Hypnagog

  1. It went down like this: Some admin asked me to change my name so that if a quick command needed to be put in for me as a player there wouldn't be an issue. I didn't change my name immediately because I had only been on 5 minutes and I don't regularly break the rules. That's about as far of a violation I feel that I committed.


    Later while playing as a CT, I shot a T that should have lived because a determined number of survivors was given for the Wipeout game on the Dubai map and I shot the wrong one when multiple fell off the platform together. Ebic was mad that he couldn't slay me for making that mistake and asked to change my name again. I logged off to change my name so that I wouldn't interupt any more play with that issue. I tried to log back on and I was perma-banned.


    I think the worst thing I did was not follow the request at that very moment, but I still don't think that it demands a perma-ban. I like playing Jailbreak and I don't eff up too often.

  2. I don't understand. Am I or am I not unbanned. When I went to change my name I got banned, that's the whole of it. And a perma-ban on top of all of that?


    You're telling me that as a player who follows the rules of the server and has had no history of greivous violations, that I'm going to be perma-banned from your server because of a small issue with my name? In my opinion, that's rediculous.