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Friend of xG
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  1. Regardless, I didn't make this thread to get him in trouble, I just wanted him to see that I give a shit about his disrespect. He's been giving me crap for a week and he refuses to talk it out with me. This was my only option in getting him to actually speak to me about it, other than telling me "gtfo" "stfu" "get banned" or just simply ignoring me. He just needs to communicate better. Hopefully he will realize that.
  2. Yo he kicked me before I could get proof, it's all part of his conspiracy.
  3. You keep saying I tried to get you demoted, which I never did. 90% of the time I say something about anyone, i'm joking. Everyone else can see that, but for some reason you can't. You won't even give me a chance to be nice to you, whenever I try to you literally say "Fuck off Jabs." or "Stfu." It's extremely rude. Hopefully within the coming days we can accept each other and not have to hate each other. But if you keep acting like this I don't see it happening sadly. It sucks because I'm trying my best to have a good time on the server and you just have to shoot me down.
  4. You did NOT give me a reason. Why are you even lying. Yeah I tried being your friend and being nice to you, as I already said, but you're just too much of an asshole I guess. Also, when the hell did I free kill? You're just saying random shit. I'm not a troll I just like to have fun with people, but there's people like you who get really insecure. I wouldn't have had to spam in the first place if you just gave me an answer the first 3 times I asked politely.
  5. 4. |"Don't lie." Where did I lie? I clearly said I spammed. I waited 5 minutes for him to reply and he obviously was just ignoring me to avoid giving me a reason.
  6. 1. 8 year old kids should not be playing Counter Strike. 2. Asking someone how big their genitalia is, isn't a reason to gag someone. 3. He said he team switched me so Lahey could warden, but Lahey was already on the team and wardening when Shadow team switched me, therefor his reason is invalid. 4. I asked him once, and waited 3-5 minutes. I asked him again, still no reply. To get his attention, I spammed my question. To which he still did not give me a reply, just kicked me. 5. There was no after he "ungagged me" and I did not spam again after he kicked me.
  7. I've had problems with this guy for a week now. He's rude to people, unprofessional, and just immature. I've seen multiple other people complain about him and he cannot take criticism whatsoever. Whenever I try to talk him, normal chat and admin chat, he will simply ignore me and eventually just kick me when I try to ask him something. I've tried being his friend and being nice, but he just won't have any of that. I'm curious why you guys even let this kid be a mod in the first place. It's pretty pathetic.
  8. This is the first time I have posted, or even thought about posting on the forums. Normally I wouldn't give a ♥♥♥♥, but I'm beginning to enjoy the server/community and this guy comes in and starts being a grade-A ♥♥♥♥♥. I really hope Arthman can realize his flaws and fix them. I don't want to have to leave the server just because of 1 bad apple. Edit: I didn't realize the description had to be so short and would cut off. There was a lot more I had to say but don't feel like re-typing all of it.