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Posts posted by Rfivealive555

  1. Legojail isn't actually that bad. It's a pretty decent map actually! The only problem about it is that it's overplayed.

    Since when is it over played, the only overplayed maps are minecart and casuarina, people just don't like Lego because they think its 2 hard.

  2. Bf4 is unpolished and glitchy and will most likely stay that way and COD is a disgusting repetitive nonskill based shooter where luckily most of the 12 year old retards go to so they stay off of games like tf2. If we really need donations from games like tf2 maybe accept item donations in non pure items such as hats n shit. I could help sell it for money if we really need it.

  3. Obelisk



    Searing Plasma Runner's Warmup, merc's muffler, track terrorizer (all painted color 216 paint)

    Scene: running towards mid point through lower entrance

    Red team

    If possible make the shot so you can see the distinctive goggles of the hat