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Posts posted by EarpMurk

  1. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

    In-Game Name:


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    I have been playing on the jailbreak server for a while and one day I thought it would be fun to mass freekill all the T's. This is not a normal occurrence. But something just snapped in my head and my instincts for killing took control!!!! and I literally shot every single T in the head with my double barrel shot gun. God damn that was satisfying. Was it worth getting banned. That is debatable. Was it worth getting banned permanently? No. I think only one T escaped before I quit out and was banned for freekilling. I know what I did wrong and I wont do it again. If I do it again you can perm ban me and Ill be gone for good. PLEASE UNBAN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!