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Everything posted by nab423

  1. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Bullseye :]|[: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63627948 Information: So i was playing jailbreak today and by accident i picked on ct. So i was going to play the second round as ct (it was the first for me i just had to download the map) I normally dont play ct but i didnt want to wait a whole round to respawn. During that round by accident i free killed some T. I left the game because i was embarrassed. Now when i try to get back on im banned. I played that server alot and i got free killed alot and witnessed free killing alot. All that i see happen is admins do nothing. they get slayed, they get team swapped. I feel that free killing 1 person not on purpose shouldnt have gotten me banned seeing that most ct's do and dont get punished. But a ban unlike everyone else isnt fair. Could i please get unbanned?