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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Cataist

  1. awwwwww.... well. ill fix that.
  2. Looking to be a future admin!
  3. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Cataist Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51503667 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 18 Further Information: Hi. I'm currently applying for administration on your servers. I've been an active member for quite a while now. I will be a great addition to the Xeno-Gaming community because I have had previous experience as an admin on TF2 and Minecraft. Some of my previous communities are A0G "Association of Gamers", and the Railbait community. I've been an admin on these servers for a considerable amount of time and have been reputable in my rank in many different aspects of TF2 and Minecraft gaming. I am active on TF2, and am on during the mornings and late afternoons. I am a great administrator, and have always been able to deal with in-game problems with ease. I am known for my big charisma and ability to evade banning players. I do not condone in banning players, but am an enthusiast in punishing those who do not follow proper rules and regulations. I hope that you take the time to consider my application and incorporating me into this great community. Thank you for reading my application form. I hope to be a future member in Xeno Gaming community.