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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by PurpleJoker

  1. Tooty fruity , gimme that booty
  2. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: PurpleJoker Steam ID: Steam Community :: PurpleJoker Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 14 Further Information: I would like to be a part of the xG community as it is really the only community i've felt like i've actually been apart of it. I also have a few suggestions for the growth of the tf2 Jailbreak servers , as this is the division i am apart of. The reason for me not being active on the team-speak servers is because of my lack of a microphone however i will be purchasing one soon. Being apart of the xG community would also mean a lot to me as I feel like this community has a lot of great potential to achieve. Thank you for reading my appeal P.S : By November 22nd i will have turn't 15 PurpleJoker