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  1. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in No Pyros On Freak Fortress?   
    Well its their fault if they do no damage. I see no problem with them airblasting hale off a cliff. If hale is smart, he will stay away from pyros when he is near out of bounds terrain and will wait until he has rage to kill them
  2. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Pokemon - Ecruteak City   
    OMG YES! I say just put it on pokemon trade and just make the maps alternate like every 30 minutes or an hour. The server is called pokemon trade center so there shouldn't be any issues.
  3. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Has Taken Over My Butthole!   
    Satan's Entertainment - The Landover Baptist Church Forum LOL. I cant stop laughing reading the threads on these forums. The funniest part is that I cant tell whether these people are trolls or serious.
  4. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Im pretty sure that happens whenever someone votes to restart the map. It resets all your points and upgrades. So if someone starts a vote to restart the map, vote no. If not enough people vote no, just leave the server and come back after it has reset
  5. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Has Taken Over My Butthole!   
    Just for clarification, I don't care whether you are Christian or whatever, I'm fine no matter what religion you are.
  6. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Boxman   
    +1 cool guy
  7. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Xenogamers Tf2 Division Sfm Poster   
    Name- Barmithian
    Class- Sniper
    Hat- Masters yellow belt (team spirit)
    Misc1- Villains veil w/ trained killer style (team spirit)
    Misc2- Chronomancer
    Holding: Festive Huntsman (look below)
    Apparently other people are doing holding so I will as well. Of course if you can't make them hold things that's k
  8. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Make Loadout, Win Stuff   
    Bearded Bombardier
    Prince Travis's crown
    King of Scotland cape
    King demoman loadout
  9. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Goodbyerino   
    Cya nerd
  10. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Xenogamers Tf2 Division Sfm Poster   
    Hey rejects while you are at it can you cure cancer and make world peace as well? Ty
  11. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in See Ya In 3 Weeks.   
    alright cya
  12. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Guess Who's Back   
  13. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Inactivity   
    ok bye
  14. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Connection Bug?   
    I don't know anything about this. It has never happened to me. Anyways, I'll tag staff on the pokemon server who might know about this. @kbraszzz @John_Madden @Gwoash
  15. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Ecruteak, Since I Didn't Do It Right The First Time.   
    Thanks for the hard work.
  16. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Class Limits?   
    "Old jb" wasn't being able to have reds win every single round
  17. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Saxon Hale Talk   
    I can deal with homing bonk as hale and win because I have a specific strategy I use, however a LOT of people and I mean a LOT lose because they can't deal with it and get rekt in the bum. If we can't remove it, maybe make a crouch charge thing like with the homing arrows and rockets.
  18. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Class Limits?   
    I played when we had ammo drops. I remember them. Idk about camping because I cant remember. @Mr.Fink
  19. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Inactivity   
  20. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Dcock/abria/cookie - Minecraft   
    +1 They are sooper important for diamond sword, such bm.
  21. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Ecruteak City - Version 3   
    I jizzed in my pants when I saw the Game corner and National Park theme but not really
  22. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Timothygreen   
    You are pretty rude at times, so 0 for now.
    A: 7/10
    M: 6/10
  23. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Goodbye   
    cya man
  24. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Copyrighted   
    Has played for a very long time on the xG servers. +1
    A: 8/10
    M: 9/10
  25. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Spooki Fortress 2   