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Everything posted by Dragoon6542

  1. I could be wrong, but I don't remember saying "only", unless you're taking that quote out of context. Saying "only" implies that the picture isn't a big deal. It is though, this is the whole reason this ban occurred. Not once did I imply "Guys is ok", I just wanted to make it known that it's not as grave as something as child porn. That being said, it's also subjective.
  2. I understand that if was something inappropriate to that extent, it would have grounds for possible legal action, though based on that, I wouldn't even be fighting this ban in the first place if it was. Well, the problem with that is that, it doesn't matter if others hear the warning, it only matters if I hear it (unless of course it's to confirm that yes, there was a warning), and aside from the initial time, I didn't hear one. Maybe that's my own fault, but I wasn't around to hear that warning, as I wasn't even at my computer while the spray went off (which also leads to what I've been trying to constantly say; "It wasn't me!"). Now if you're referring to yesterday's incident, there was no warning, I was just up and banned without consultation. It was assumed that the spray was made by me, even though no one knows for sure as there was no name attached to said spray. Which is the whole reason I'm fighting this. As for the picture itself, I can't really tell you, to be honest sometimes my sense of humor isn't the same as others. I do enjoy hearing others reactions to such pictures, I didn't expect it to be harmful.
  3. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused, but now I realize it was a mistake to fight the ban and let me voice be heard. I thought that the this forum was dedicated to letting people fight off bans in a fair manner. Not to be ridiculed and have conclusions being jumped to. It's not worth it to put up with all of this, yes I admit that the offensive spray I had initially was not appropriate, but it wasn't meant to cause anyone any harm. All I wanted was to just play on one the servers that I enjoyed being on, as it was very unique. Sorry for all the problems it's caused, I don't intend on pursuing this any further.
  4. S> TF2 stuff.
    1. Tomahawk
    2. Dragoon6542


      http://backpack.tf/classifieds?steamid=76561198034072369&page=1 Everything here
  5. I know it does, but I think I'm perfectly capable of making up a better lie, than telling the truth if I had too. I've already mentioned, yes it sounds far-fetched. Though, if I sprayed something right now, you'd see it as "SPRAYED BY ROGER" Or something along those lines. I wasn't anywhere near the spray location when it happened. I don't know HOW to make my name unidentifiable. Considering this happened the last time you banned me (for the brief amount of time), I'm willing to say that yes, the person who has my old spray, knew I would get into trouble if a GM saw that same spray, sprayed it, and left. I don't know if they came back, but if they did this now, and last time, then that's all I can piece together. I am and have willingly changed my spray, and there shouldn't be any further issues. If you choose to believe me, you will see that my spray HAS now been changed. Hell, you can monitor me if you like, though I know no one has time for that.
  6. I don't know, but I could have lied just now and said that I did change it. I'm telling you the truth! To be honest, I was shown the picture from a friend who got it from 4chan. Also, that's not a penis in the picture. It's feces. Though, in my defense, I've seen worse sprays, including porn, than someone excreting on a doll. Isn't there a function in TF2 where you can mimic someone else's spray? Like it'll copy it and make it your own?
  7. I never said I changed it! I just stopped using it, though I wasn't planning on using it anymore. I would have used it when I found a more suitable spray, that being said, I changed it today after the whole incident. I also mentioned that I changed it a couple times today; in my first post, and while I was talking to you.
  8. Let me be clear, I am not attacking the person that banned me, I understand from their position based on what they saw. It's just the fact that I was lucky enough to get a second chance from them, and then get banned based on them seeing it again without actually confirming that it was me. I spent the whole game in the spawn room until they said that the spray was on one of the buildings outside, I went to go check (like one of my posts said above), and it wasn't there (though I believe someone had seen it). It's the fact that I held up my end of the deal with the second chance, and then still having it compromised. I was on the server when the it was sprayed, but when people looked at it, it didn't say it was sprayed by me. If I was the one who sprayed it, and I was still on the server, I'd imagine it would say that it was in fact sprayed by me.
  9. There was someone else I talked to about this as well, though most of the message had been deleted, this is the last little bit of it. Maybe you're right, but even then, I was still given another chance, and I think that's what's the issue for me here. If I was banned immdiately months ago for that same spray, I wouldn't have an issue, that would have been my own mistake. The fact that I was able to return on the condition that I didn't cause anymore trouble, and followed through with that, but then STILL being blamed, is the thing that frustrates me the most. Regardless, I feel it's unprofessional to discuss it here and clog up anyone's Steam profile any longer. I submitted my ticket and I'll see what happens. I don't wish to take up anyone else's time, I just wanted my voice to be heard. I won't post the replies as it's not my place to do so. I'm just too drained to explain it anymore, if you have any more questions let me know. Some of the stuff may seem out of context, just let me know what you're referring too and I'll try to clear it up.
  10. I think you just banned me, but I want you to know that it wasn't my spray.. I haven't used that spray in months.. You can take look at my profile if you like, I'm actually quite professional. I like to think so anyways. The last time I came on, I remember being banned as well. I didn't look into it as it wasn't a big deal at the time, but I assure you, although I had the spray equipped, I did NOT use it. Hell I was alt-tabbed for 90% in the game in spawn. I was never warned OR confronted, if you're going to ban someone, I would assume you would atleast talk to the person you think had sprayed it. At this time I have changed my spray. I can not tell you who had done it, but I haven't used this spray on this server since I was warned months ago. For all I know, someone could have known I was warned, and used the spray on their own and then left the server. I was ON the server when it was sprayed, and from what I can tell during the voice chat, no one could see whom had sprayed it. If it was me, you'd have seen my name on it as I was still online at the time. I was warned once when I used the spray months ago. Maybe if it was sprayed again by someone else and I happened to be in the game, but not actually physcially at the computer, someone would have said something to me IF they remembered I had sprayed it previously. Though the only warning I remember is the one from when I sprayed it the very first and only time. That's great that I wasn't perm'd intially, but I was given a warning, and I had followed through. I don't have proof that it wasn't me, but how can I? I was on the server WHILE it was sprayed, I remember you talking on voice chat saying you knew who did it, at time I paniced and I hoped you didn't suspect me, and I even went to radio tower to see it myself, although I saw nothing. Again, I was on the server and no one saw the name of who sprayed it. It is possible I was afk when I was warned, as I tend to alt-tab and sit in spawn for prolonged periods of time. I just believe that someone knew I was warned for this behaviour before, and decided to use my old spray, and leave the server while I was on, knowing that I would get into trouble. Why? I can't tell you. I know it seems far-fetched but I can't think of any other reason to defend myself. Again, it's great I wasn't perm'd by now, and I'm thankful for that, but at the same time it feels like I'm being thankful for not being banned for something I was wrongly accused of. I know you'll probably recommend that I open up a ticket to fight the ban on the site, which I have. I don't believe neither you or I have the time to discuss this on your Steam profile. Yes, I apologize for using the spray intially, but I refuse to be held accountable for the following incidents. I just feel wrongly accused and wanted to get this off my chest.
  11. The content itself wasn't even child porn. It was a doll, and it wasn't even completely naked, it had it's shirt off. That being said, I understand it was a sick joke, and I apologized for it, the issue for me at least, is a bit different. I'll post what I talked about with the GM.
  12. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Г Roger | Ram-Dragon ] Steam ID: 76561198034072369 Information: I was banned for an inappropriate spray on the Pokemon Goldenrod City Map. While it IS true that I did have said spray equipped at the time, I did NOT use this spray. I haven't use this spray on this server in months, as I was once warned for using it, and since then I never did. Also, I was recently banned earlier this week from the server (for probably the same reason but I didn't look into it). I let it go as I didn't think it was a big deal at the time, though now I'm getting banned again, and it seems like a permanent ban this time around. I was never warned, I was never approached, and no one ever confronted me about it, therefore I could not defend myself and dismiss these allegations. If you're going to ban someone, let them know in game, so you can confirm that THIS is the person that's making trouble instead of blindly banning someone without even mentioning it. I have no proof that it was not me, but how can I? I don't know how the spray got there, for all I know someone could be setting me up as they've seen me use the spray there once before and had known that I was warned. From what I heard via the chat, the spray didn't even have the name of the person on it, even though I was already on the server. I'd imagine if the spray was done by me, and I was still ON the server, it would say my name. At this time I've changed my spray.