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Posts posted by timeboxjunior

  1. Guilty until proven innocent huh?


    I was not on at the time I was banned.

    I dont own a mic and seldom use text chat.

    For these reasons I could not have been harrassing anyone at that time.

    Also, I like to think I'm nice, and I dont harrass.

    Without evidence refuting what I have said you must take it as the only testimony.

  2. Division:

    Nuclear Dawn

    In-Game Name:

    Time-box Junior!

    Steam ID:



    I was banned for harrasment(to who?) at noon today. I was at work at noon.

    I barely talk in game, who could I have been harrassing while at work?(i don't play at work and no mic)

    please provide proof I was harrassing with who, what was said, when I said it.


    Also XG owns every server ND has and this ban carries over to every one of those so Im basically banned from the game for no reason.