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Friend of xG
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  1. I'm offended by the fact that People can shoot theyr teammates and swear and threaten each other and seemingly grief every game and I end up being banned, esspecially when I'll stay there and play a losing team even when my whole party leaves, and if I turn the game around the whole enemy team will leave. I guess that makes me sensitive. I know this issue is resolved but I have to say, It's not that I don't wish to play with everyone on the Morbis server, but when people tell me to F#% off I tend to leave, rather then waste everyone's time with repeated voting. Like you said there's 100+ games at any time, If one person has a problem with me I don't write off 100+ others.
  2. Well I'm no longer banned so that's good, but I'm not going to stay on a game with players that bully me. It's not like I joined and AFK'd I joined fought zombies and left as soon as possible because I don't want to play with you. Also I have no interest in playing on modded servers . I'm sorry if I irritated you but I'm not trying to join your game or hinder your team. There's more ways to be mean spirited than with slurs and threats though in my couple of days on this game I'm surprised by behaviour of the L4D2 community.
  3. Division: Left 4 Dead 2 In-Game Name: solid_blob Steam ID: solid_blob Information: Firstly, I don't teamkill, and I don't hack. There's no reason I should be banned. Yes I quit a few games, because I don't like playing against people using Aimbot. I'm positive bad robot was using aimbot, and I dont like playing against dr.gringo and that other guy because they are bullies and racists who kept saying the n-word and telling me to kill myself. People who use aimbot should be banned. I did nothing to deserve being banned, I never insulted anyone and I didn't bully anyone. I believe my ban Is very unjust and frankly unprofessional.