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Everything posted by Lt_Slayer

  1. I understand Hachi's point, but Kart's? What did I do? Rancho Relaxo. I just rancho relaxo-ed at spawn and he apparently hated that. Also, I wasn't giving you 'sass', or whatever you guys call it. But still, I wasn't holding up the round for just taunting.
  2. I also just want a solution to the problem, and if you are hearing the full story.
  3. Who was I rude to? Cause if it was Wheatley, then he's my friend, but you probably weren't even there. Also, 6 or 7 times? What? People were there to deathrun, even at start of round, he would move me to stop the taunt. It also seems you are just giving me disrespect, even though I wasn't in any arguements of any sort against fellow players or staff.
  4. First of all, I never said anything about, "If you do better, you'll get banned.". Next time, have proof. 2nd of all, Kart accused me of, "Holding up the round." I was Rancho Relaxo-ed while 15 other people were alive. Last time I checked, that wasn't holding up the whole round. Lastly, Hachi banned me for dcing and joining back, while before that, I said 'she' was a boy. Then gagged me. Most mods/admins usually forget to ungag, so I reconnected, and as 'she' wanted, I dropped the subject, yet still got banned. I'll improve these ''VERY DANGEROUS'' actions. I hoped this cleared things up as well.
  5. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Lt. Slayer Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53244461 Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 15 Further Information: I like playing on the servers, so I was interested in joining this clan.
  6. Will be on til' midnight Central Time, but sometimes I won't be on at all for that day.