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Everything posted by TheeTimatahee

  1. Wrong. Retardation is a serious problem in the world. Studies show only a functioning brain can cure retardation. I for one believe we should all chip in to pay for the surgery that will allow Whyte to get a new brain. Together, we can secure a future for him/her.
  2. You say that like it's a bad thing. Can you prove I had a hand in this? Otherwise, I suggest you look into the problem.
  3. While I won't deny I wasn't micspamming (as many people who witnessed it will tell you I was), your program being broken is no excuse to ban an innocent person.
  4. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: TheeTimatahee Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42285894 Information: Greetings, I'd like to take the time to clear up some things about my ban, most importantly, according to Professerloud, how I apparently evaded muting and exploited. Professerloud, I'd like to hear your side, since I can't think of any rational person thinking I could evade a mute from an admin or exploited while doing so. I can only assume you were high/drunk on something, to which I suggest not taking admin duties while under the influence. Otherwise, miss understandings like this will happen. Including my unban, I request that Professerloud is suspended for a week to contemplate the possibilities of such a situation arising again. Cheers TheeTimatahee #clientmutehasbeenforgotten