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Posts posted by elsoqo

  1. Reiterating what I said about the ZF server, since it seems to be getting a bit neglected, unintentionally or otherwise (admins have been on the server, yet no updates/fixes have seem to be made). A message from one of the regulars (I.E. this isn't from me, I'm posting this for someone):


    Hello there, I am a user on the server under the username S.T.A.R.M.

    All I want to say is that the dispenser issue has gone too far.

    What really makes the zombie server challenging and fun is the use of conserving health and ammo. Since there aren’t many ammo and health packs (Simulating a real zombie apocalypse), it made players have to be much more conserving and careful since you can’t spare to waste.

    This also made it fairer to the zombies, especially scouts, because every hit meant something. Each chip away at health was making it harder for the player to heal it all back later, making it all matter.

    Ever since the dispenser’s started healing players and giving them ammo, this completely throws the balance out of proportion. Why worry about being wasteful when you can just rapid fire and get more ammo from the unlimited dispenser. This is especially big in the case of the pyro, who can now just m1 near a dispenser and mop the floor with the zombies. In addition to this, thanks to unlimited ammo, they make tanks a complete joke. They can just keep air blasting the tank away without any ammo preparations, making the tank pointless.

    In addition to this, because the dispensers can indefinably heal, what’s the point for scouts or medics? No one can really play scout anymore because the little damage they can do can easily be healed by a nearby dispenser. This also make the gas baseballs completely pointless since players can sit by a dispenser and heal it all off easily. Also, solders and demos no longer have to be careful of blast damage since they can just quickly heal it off.

    Because of this change, players now love to play almost all engi + pyro + solder and make it not only almost impossible for the zombies, but also unfun to anyone who is playing the zombies. In addition to this, players are just going in an all-out slaughter fest, playing on only close quarters maps and setting up almost impossible to break nest because they can just continuously shoot. It’s no longer about survival and ammo consumption, but just killing everything carelessly. It made the player base lazy and overall unfun. You’re either struggling to deal with a almost impossible to take down base or you’re just slaughtering everyone. Both become boring really fast and it takes away from the server.

    So please fix the dispenser glitch. Make sure they are only good a blocking wall to halt zombie progression. They weren’t allowed to heal and give ammo originally for a reason. The other little thing do need to eventually be fixed, but this one is much more game breaking and should be a top priority.


    TLDR: stuff needs to be fixed on ZF.

  2. I found the nicer format, so here goes! Also, thanks for including all-talk into ZF!


    Edit- I have more ideas/suggestions/wishes from the community edited in, hopefully they get seen since I posted this before. Didn't want to double post :p


    Server: ZF Server


    Bug or Suggestion?: Dispensers and Tank mechanics


    What is your bug/suggestion?:


    -Don't know if this is intended, but dispensers work like normal dispensers now rather than being unhealing, non-ammo-giving walls that they originally were. Makes things a ton easier for Survivors, especially against the Zombie Tank.


    If it's intended, something should be done to improve the Tank, as Pyros with dispenser can keep them (and other Zambies) away for an unlimited amount of time.. like maybe make the Tanks not airblast-able, if that's possible.




    STARM (Steam Community :: S.T.A.R.M.) says he is having issues with the game crashing frequently on the server that he doesn't get from anywhere else. Others have had very similar problems, but he is one of the worse cases, and specifically asked for me to make this request. Not sure if anything is possible, but thought I'd let it be known, as more than one person experienced this pretty often.


    The time between map changes is pretty high (1 hour). 30 minutes might be a bit better, it seems that's usually around when people get tired and want to go somewhere else. They could just rtv, but you know how the majority can be when it comes to that stuff. :p


    Another issue.. Zombie heavies can pick up shotguns from dead players. It's hilarious and rare, but it happens.


    Another possibly easy fix.. there is a map called ZF_Reboot, I believe, and there is no time limit at all on it... a good group of survivors can play on it forever, basically, with no end. Especially since it is a big map with lots of little nooks and crannies, like a multi-tiered waffle.


    All of this is for the ZF server by the way. Figured it is obvious, but just in case :P