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Everything posted by Papa_Toasty

  1. This isn't innocent little Jimmy we're talking about here. If you watched my crappy video, the kid was being a nuisance. Regardless of if he was legit or not, he was hogging the mic more than anyone, falsely accusing people to be hackers, and being an obnoxious little whiner. I don't care if it's because he has a bad home life or gets picked on at school because he has a My Little Pony backpack, everyone has a simple understanding of right and wrong. Rather than sucking up and admitting he was just "mad becuz bad", he decided he wanted to try and make up for his lack of skill at a damn video game by calling everyone a hacker. It's hilarious because he's just so incredibly wrong and doesn't want to accept it, and he's trying so hard to be good at something that doesn't even ultimately matter. Also, I said like, three or four dank things in the video. Unknown Nobody did the majority of the talking, and there were more clips not in the final video where I didn't say a single word. Just thought that since I was uploading that footage, I'd put my few cringey comments about the situation in there as well. To expand on the cringe even more, I used an extremely old version of Windows Movie Maker on my ancient Egyptian computer (There, you big meanie, you made me go and say it!). No pictures of black lines could be added, nor did I think they were even necessary. I thought the edits were necessary, mostly due to horrible audio. As I said in the description, I recorded it rather spontaneously. When I played back the footage, the game audio was so loud that everyone was nearly incomprehensible. Some of the best bits (or in your eyes, the stuff mom waves her finger at) sadly didn't make it in due to the amount of Heavy miniguns, Pyro flames, and rocket sound effects. It would've been a much poorer video (or again, in your eyes, an extremely poor video). Also, I just need to say I'm incredibly immature, which is totally the reason why I'm friends with a healthy amount of regulars. I in no way deserve the freedom of putting a server tag in my name on a hat simulator I play sometimes instead of MGS after coming home from work. You may not know me that well as I don't recall playing with you too many times, but yes, I'm an awful human being on a server with a history of illegal sprays, stalkers, and admins that are so scared of anymore truly bad things happening that they try to build a dam around the internet, on the internet. Not to sound edgy, but to sound edgy anyway, the internet is a place of chaos. Trying to control it is like trying to make everybody like you. It's impossible. Sure you can try your best, but that doesn't mean xX_DiamondCreeper69_Xx is going to say "n*****" in the chat when you aren't there. Also, not to try and pin anything on Vexx here, but this is a dude who once paraded Gardevoir hentai around on a sign as a cute Pyro. The only thing I've ever done on this server that's now deemed "inappropriate" was make a Filthy Frank KYS reference, where I then immediately received a ban without warning from a mod who obviously shouldn't have been yet made a mod. So yes, I'm so very immature, and while you didn't say I was, I definitely don't behave better than a person who's now a mod (or admin? I don't remember his title) on here. I'm not sure why I'm spending so much time on this reply (and now to wait for you to say something wicked cool like "that makes two of us"), it's just not even worth it anymore for this near-Christian server on rated M game that kids shouldn't even be playing. I honestly don't feel like promoting XG in my name anymore. It's not business, it doesn't need to be professional, it's a game on the internet, a place where if a kid wanders off the Lego website for five seconds, he'll know who Keemstar is and learn ten new curses after reading the comment section of a Ninjago summer 2016 set review video. One final thing before posting this ridiculously long reply that I shouldn't have spent fifteen precious minutes of life on, but I recommend Keetsunay to be a mod. Not sure how promotion works, but he's a lot better than some of the others and creates fun activities for players (he's kinda like Scoot). The guy comes on at some pretty decent times when other mods aren't around, and if you're so worried at us picking on defenseless, raging children with mics, he'll give them a 15-30 minute mute after already giving them a warning so we can carry on with Pootis parties or spawn-camping Blu spawn on Clocktown so we don't get goofy ideas to record and put together a crappy three-minute video.
  2. Are you talking about me or the kid? Because I always say dumb things. Anyway, just about everybody else seemed to enjoy the video, including several mods and/or admins. And apologies, I don't have any fancy editing software to block his name. Besides, I suspected it was just some dude using a voice changer. Google any CoD "little kid trolling" video and half of them sound like this. Sure I fell for it, but even still, it was hilarious. I'm not sure why this whole application process is necessary anyway. I just wanted to be allowed to have the tag in my name so I could show I play on this awesome server.
  3. Whoops, for some reason it says I'm banned. Thought I clicked "No", but okay.
  4. In-Game Name: Toasty McFloasted Active Division: Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG: No Steam ID: Steam Community :: Derka Banned: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active on Servers: About every other day for 2-5 hours Age: 18 Reasons for Joining: I've been on the server for about two years or so now (it's just about the only one I'm ever on anymore). The community is fantastic and I want to fully be a part of it, as I'm already friends with a majority of the regulars.