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Posts posted by SnowyDaBeast27

  1. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:



    Ban Type:

    Server Ban


    Well I'd first like to say by the time this Is read and dealt with then 1-day ban will probably be finished, however I'd still like to throw this out so that the toxicity of certain staff could possibly be more closely monitored and contained.


    Now I'm am decently new to the xG Pokemon Trading Center server, nonetheless I am becoming a regular on the server. As for banning me for having an inappropriate spray, That Is understandable but pretty harsh for a first time "offense" If you will, Not to mention after being kicked without a word about It I tried to tell whoever It was who kicked me that It was an accident and not intentional,(Trying to run around while trying to type "!rtd" can lead to accidentally pressing T which is the key bound for my spray) however they did not respond so I decided,"alright I guess, I'll just be more careful on my key presses, and If It happens again I'll just move it behind the medicine cabinet In spawn". I ended up pressing It again, and as I planned I went into spawn and put it out of sight. Shortly later, On a different map I believe, I was banned without any precaution or saying. Which wouldn't be the problem If I wasn't so confused to why I was banned?

    Now I did as advised when trying to rejoin the server and found my way here, to find I was banned for

    "Ľ spam, toxicity, inappropriate sprays" by Kypari


    Now, this was pretty informal and unprofessional If you will.
    But Toxicity does not apply to me
    or my actions, I don't know If this reaction was caused because maybe he disliked the way I played the game? Or maybe I was killing him a lot?(though I don't recall him being killed by me, or playing at all, unless he/she has a different in-game name.) Whatever It may be I cannot help but feel that was the admin/mod feeling something personal against me. Which I understand can be hard for some people to set aside how the feel in place of responsibility, But from a website so organized I'd expect more properly behaved staff.

    As for "L' spam", I'm also very confused about this and feel It Is more of just the staff member being annoyed with me personally for some reason. For chat, I use It as regular as anyone does perhaps even less aside from commands. So It really makes me curious to why I was banned or rather, why I'm being suspected of spam?


    What I think, Is that whoever Kypari Is, I suspect they are a new staff member and most likely bored or looking for opportunities In their role, So they saw my spray and tried to take everything they could to ban someone. Now Spam and "Toxicity" Is all subjective, which Is why I stray away from using chat to speak to others or at all from that matter, Because anything can be toxic. However there Is not a grain of evidence for any of this, I'm saying myself that I sprayed the spray, Which Is wrong but for something that wasn't intentional and not done to harm others? To just flat out ban me I feel Is incorrect.


    Well that Is all I have to say on this matter,
    I feel correction of staff Is needed to prevent this In the future
    , though for right now I fear I will have to wait until my ban time Is over.


