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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. if theres any questions i would be more than happy to answer
  2. Just my xG application! so yea. :)
  3. Hi. I'm Crimson Rogue. I want to join xG simply because of my play time and devotion to the FF2 server. I've played for a long time, and I want to join xG so I can explore the community more, and to look legit on servers. Yeah. I'm friends with some reputable people, such as [xG:M] Rainbro Dash, and I do know Ecko, the guy who made FBI, and last night I was on the Pokemon Trade Server talking to Freedom. So yeah.
  4. I've been playing on the server for a couple months and its my favorite server to play on so I'd like to be a bigger part of xG. :eagerness:
  5. I really hope I get into xG, Though i have only been playing on your xG Jailbreak servers I will start to play on your minigames, surf, etc. I am very grateful for any response i get on this xG member application, - ♣Dopey Luck™♣
  6. Am I supposed to put something here?
  7. I would like to join xG, I really like this group and plan to spend alot of time in it. I am alway's on xG servers. Im active all the time, Nice, And respectful.! Thank you, LemonDuckii
  8. I am in the Marines, my mos is 0311 (Infantry Rifleman), I have enjoyed playing Counter Strike for years and I still enjoy it to this day, just looking for a good clan to play with and you guys look like a good one, so i am trying out for yours.
  9. Hello, I would like to apply to xG for many reasons. First your servers are the only servers I actually play on besides MvM. Your servers have one of the best communities around and if there is ever a problem an admin is there to help. I plan to continue to play Tf2 for at least another 2 years and more depending on how I plan on going about while in collage. So I will be active for a long time.
  10. Xeno Gamers is the nicest group i have ever seen :)
  11. plz make me [xG] i am very nice i only curse when i already have troubles at home so i am very nice i like congradulating people and im nice
  12. Hello, my name is Brandon (SpinalTapp) I would like to join xG because i've never been into clan stuff but recently your servers have gotten me into it. I play on your CS:GO Jailbreak server and its loads of fun. I think I would be a good member to the xG team because I'm nice but I also enforce rules that are given to me. I have a mic and I don't use it to be annoying lol. I hope you can consider me Thank you and have a great day :D
  13. I am friends with some admins and am usually on css. Except when internet goes out. But i always am nice and when i am ct i warn prisoners who step out of cells unknowingly instead of "Cappin" 'em. I am a furry:tiger: (hope that doesnt make me not get in xg). I practically live for css. It is my favorite game. So i would really 'precitate if you would let me into xG. Sincerely, Daniel Moore.
  14. I am joining xG simply for CS:GO since I do not know what other games this clan goes too. I am trying to become an admin on CS:GO xG Jailbreak server. I am on there constantly, I know all the rules and feel I would be a good fit for it. :beguiled:
  15. Hello xG Members! I don't see any format, so I'll go with what I know, from previous admin applications. I was searching through deathrun servers and found your server. I was rather intrigued, because it had a low player count. I went on, and for the past month I've been playing on your server almost non-stop. Although, just recently, the first admin I've ever seen joined. This spawned the idea that: I should become a member! (or Mod/Admin). I thought about how unactive the admins are, and about how active I am. So, onto the stuff that matters. I'm currently 16, turning 17 in February. My voice isn't that low, but it's low enough to keep your ears from falling off. About the tag I have after my name, it's a recreational group I created, but it's really just for the name of the group. As you see, I was never a member of xG, but I'm currently a General Manager on a Minecraft server named Hollowed. In the past, I've also been an Admin on some TF2 servers, but not for long, as they shut down. Thanks for your time, and I hope you accept my application. ~ EggTalk :welcoming:
  16. Hello there, I'd like to join this clan because I simply only play on your jailbreak server when I'm playing CS:GO. I love the community on the server, and also enjoy that you have very specific rules about nearly everything. I always play as Terrorist, and I love all the different games that you guys do with us (mostly climb, parkour and pokemon) :D Don't know what else to say than that I hope you'd have me join this awesome fun clan :D
  17. I know I'm pretty young, but I have lurking around XG for a couple of years now. I have never really applied to be a member up until now, since I started playing since I started playing on XG server since I was 13. but now, I want to be in XG since I like the community and wish to be in it longer, that is all.
  18. hello i have been playing in ur staxton server in along time and i thought i would sign up
  19. i am i good warden, i can help make sure know one breaks the rules, ive read the motd, an i would be a great addition to xG.
  20. I wont fail you guys. Im a good warden, and i understand the motd.
  21. I've been playing the on the jailbreak server for 4 days or so, I've really liked it. I'd like to thanks BMTwired and drizzz For helping me find my Steam ID, it really helped.
  22. I would really like to join xG since I have played on it so long and thing I should join
  23. I will put my soul into this clan if i am allowed to