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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. I really want to join xG it looks like such a good group
  2. I love playing in the surf rpg server and sometimes the bhop server. I have over 6 days played on the rpg surf server.
  3. i would like to get in XG after reflex and some other admins told me that i could join if i get my vouches since i am 12 :P but if i do i will have even more fun on ur servers
  4. I have been playing tf2 for more than a tear now and ive always been playing on your your sever because i love the random bosses unlike hale where you only fight 1 or 2 bosses at most. And i would be honored if i were an admin in your freak fortress tf2 server. Thank you. Mahan
  5. I think I'm worthy enough to be in xG, not may people may know me that well. But I have been spend alot of time on the CSS surf server. I am not annoying, I treat all players with respect. I am not annoying, very much more mature for my age. I have had CSS for many years, but have jsut recently started playing again now. But please, accept me into XG, if not then thats okay. I do know the rules for xg. Thank y'all for looking at my request.
  6. Hi, im geonzi. I'm ranked number 52 on the xG surf server.
  7. Please consider me :smilet-digitalpoint *been
  8. Just thought i should join.
  9. i want to be in xG because i play and like the servers and ive been playing for a long time. this sever is fun and awsome!!im very chill laid back person just want to play games and have fun xD!!
  10. I play on the JailBreak server a lot, and thought it was time to join xG after all the hours I put into their server.
  11. Ever since I started playing the xG surf server ive been stuck on it. I get along with everyone as well.
  12. almost all the people on the “RPG surf server" said that I should join XG. I have made a lot of friends from XG and would really like to join XG. i love to joke around and have fun with every one that i play with. and it would be an honor to be in XG.
  13. hi, my user name is npinto51, or to those who have played surf with me it is more formaly knows as level 96 wailord. throught the time I have spent on this server many people kept telling me to become an xG member and i finally decided to join because nocturn got me to do it. (thx btw) I will follow the rules to the best of my ability and be a good representation to xG. some that i have acheived is freidship (nothing much) with most of the ppl on the server and i have gone to jailbreak from time to time and i hope to become xG. hope you guys can help.
  14. Hello I Well love playing counter strike and i especially love the jailbreak server that you guys have. I Really am quiet and i try to be good at counter strike and sometimes i might fail a few times but i don't suck. I never try to be annoying and i would really hate to be annoying.
  15. I would love to be a xG and i love one of these server and i want to get towny on it but i cant. PLZ ACCEPT ME! :chuncky:
  16. My Xeno Gamers Member Application Member Name: JimmieRustler In-Game Name: The Jimmie Rustler Steam ID: Steam_0:1:40331235 Age: 16 Years Old Game Time: 60+ Hours What Game?: Counter-Strike: Source Helpful Skills: Fast learner, good at following orders. Previously in Xg?: No
  17. Hello I would like to apply for XenoGamer's AGAIN The last Thread i had wasint so organized So i waited one month and made a new one
  18. If you play in the surf rpg server, than you've probably seen me. I figure I'll be playing in these servers for a while and want to join. You guys seem cool. If I don't get in I understand. I'll still be in the servers.
  19. Pretty much I've been playing on the jailbreak servers almost every day for a while now, and I thought that it would be fun to join xG.
  20. my aplication for XG:smile:
  21. Hello there, i am Drendan11, a gamer from West Babylon, New York. I've been playing on the Xenogamers servers for about a year. Primarily on the jailbreak server. Xenogamers servers are basically the only servers I play on Counter-Strike Source. I usually play on them daily.
  22. This is my penultimate application to xG. My balls have dropped, finally. And yeah, please +1