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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. How's it going, some probably know me from the server Freak Fortress. I play their as much as i can. I can possibly make it on the server few times a week as i work and since its summer the vacations start to kick in. I hope to help keep the Freak Fortress servers clean from people acting immature and trashtalking to other players. Hope this is enough information. Thanks Azzo
  2. Your in-game name: Satanicchipmunk Your real name: Cameron Recht Age: 17 The game you are applying from: Css Your game time currently: CSS: 322 hours TF2: 150 hours Your favorite game: css Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: model and map making
  3. I would like to join xG because they have nice admins and good maps on the surf and slide servers. I am also a donator.
  4. I would really like to join because it seems cool and i get board alot...
  5. Hello. I've been playing jailbreak since time immemorial.
  6. uhh.... Game time is 13h +1 givers are | -1 givers are DarkWolf6052 | gluepop
  7. Hello everyone i am very happy to finaly asking to join xG its a great clan i got most game it owns and its a pretty good serious clan
  8. Hey, this is TheSittingJacket. I would like to be in xG! I mainly play surf, minigames, and jail break. And I am starting to play on the xG TF2 servers. I really like the people on xG, and I think I will be a great member! :afro:
  9. A few people I've met on a different forum, http://ace-spades.com/forums/ don't actually believe that I'm 10: (That was posted when I WAS 9, but now I'm 10. Also, the forum was wiped and a new fresh one was created, so the link no longer works.) EDIT: Screwed up Game Time, My time is: 159.5 hours. Can't wait for rage posts! :D
  10. Hello everyone my name is Clinton Plumb Aka NmeLeKThaR i would like to get into your clan i love your jb server :D
  11. im 15, but will be 16 in a couple of months.
  12. I would like to join XG Because it seems to be a fun group to be with and be more the happy to join in events,and make friends doing so.
  13. I would like to join xG because the admins are nice the servers have some of the best maps. I am also a donator for xG.
  14. Just wanted to apply as a member of xG since I have played in JB server for a while and I realized that I would really love to get to be more involved in a server that is my all time fav :)
  15. Second time applying, hoping for a different outcome. :)
  16. Hi, my name is Callim. I'm baaaaaaaaack :)
  17. This is my application to join xG. :]
  18. I think I should become a member of XenoGamers because I have played the servers for quite a while. I have always had a lot of fun on all of the servers.I really hope that I could finally become a member of xG. I am always respectful towards the administrators and I always follow the rules. It would mean a LOT to me if I could FINALLY become an official member of the XenoGamers community!:joyous::joyous:
  19. Second time trying to get in. :C
  20. I've been playing on xG jailbreak for almost year now and I think its time to join xG. It seems like a lot of fun and I hope I make it. Ask for yolo on jailbreak they know who I am :D.
  21. Hi, My name is Chris (aka Slowpoke). I am a Gamer and a Coder. I would like to address a few things that I haven't covered up top. I am not a person who usually is always on the bad side of things. I am always active, and willing to help. I think I would make a great addition to XenoGamers because honestly XenoGamers is organized, and very professional (at some points). You guys have more potential then I've seen in any community EVER. I would love to be apart of this awesome community to make new friends, and most importantly have fun. That is the main reason why I would like to join, to just have fun. Soooooooo, Thanks for viewing :D PS: It says CS:S but I am joining the Garry's Mod Division.
  22. im previously of hellsgamers,I dont have a annoying voice,I have a Good attitude,Im all Ways welling to help other in need.:calm:
  23. I hope i get in xG I love xG servers Jail Break Surf Minigames and others i have been playing on xG minecraft servers recently too i hope to get in i appreciate whatever i get
  24. This is CuntyMcGoo... for some reason CuntyMcGoo was already taken so I had to get creative and make my name ooGcMytnuC. Soooo can I join [xG]?