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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. Just thought i should join.
  2. Member Name: ViciousRebelx In-Game Name: ViciousRebel x Steam ID: xbomber69 Age: 17 Game Time: 7 months Game / Server: XenoGamers Jailbreak Helpful Skills: Your in-game name:ViciousRebel x Nickname:[xG] Slice Age:16 turing 17 next month on 6 How long have you been playing CSS:December 31, 2010 Your favorite game:CSS , League Of Legends , Star Wars The Old Republic Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community:I really dont like being warden because i dont know what to say and do but i know most of the rules and what to do and what not to do but if i dont because i member of xG can i atleast be apart of the clan but not have mod thank you
  3. I play on the JailBreak server a lot, and thought it was time to join xG after all the hours I put into their server.
  4. Hello I Well love playing counter strike and i especially love the jailbreak server that you guys have. I Really am quiet and i try to be good at counter strike and sometimes i might fail a few times but i don't suck. I never try to be annoying and i would really hate to be annoying.
  5. my aplication for XG:smile:
  6. I would love to be a xG and i love one of these server and i want to get towny on it but i cant. PLZ ACCEPT ME! :chuncky:
  7. Pretty much I've been playing on the jailbreak servers almost every day for a while now, and I thought that it would be fun to join xG.
  8. Hello there, i am Drendan11, a gamer from West Babylon, New York. I've been playing on the Xenogamers servers for about a year. Primarily on the jailbreak server. Xenogamers servers are basically the only servers I play on Counter-Strike Source. I usually play on them daily.
  9. A few people I've met on a different forum, http://ace-spades.com/forums/ don't actually believe that I'm 10: (That was posted when I WAS 9, but now I'm 10. Also, the forum was wiped and a new fresh one was created, so the link no longer works.) EDIT: Screwed up Game Time, My time is: 159.5 hours. Can't wait for rage posts! :D
  10. lol well to start off recently ive been getting back into playing css again and the only servers ive been having fun on are the XG servers, this past weekend ive spent alot of time on the jailbreak and minigame server, had a good time and enjoyed playing and would like to join your community =)
  11. I would like to join xG because they have nice admins and good maps on the surf and slide servers. I am also a donator.
  12. How's it going, some probably know me from the server Freak Fortress. I play their as much as i can. I can possibly make it on the server few times a week as i work and since its summer the vacations start to kick in. I hope to help keep the Freak Fortress servers clean from people acting immature and trashtalking to other players. Hope this is enough information. Thanks Azzo
  13. This is my penultimate application to xG. My balls have dropped, finally. And yeah, please +1
  14. Hello everyone my name is Clinton Plumb Aka NmeLeKThaR i would like to get into your clan i love your jb server :D
  15. Hi, My name is Chris (aka Slowpoke). I am a Gamer and a Coder. I would like to address a few things that I haven't covered up top. I am not a person who usually is always on the bad side of things. I am always active, and willing to help. I think I would make a great addition to XenoGamers because honestly XenoGamers is organized, and very professional (at some points). You guys have more potential then I've seen in any community EVER. I would love to be apart of this awesome community to make new friends, and most importantly have fun. That is the main reason why I would like to join, to just have fun. Soooooooo, Thanks for viewing :D PS: It says CS:S but I am joining the Garry's Mod Division.
  16. Your in-game name: Satanicchipmunk Your real name: Cameron Recht Age: 17 The game you are applying from: Css Your game time currently: CSS: 322 hours TF2: 150 hours Your favorite game: css Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: model and map making
  17. I've been playing on xG jailbreak for almost year now and I think its time to join xG. It seems like a lot of fun and I hope I make it. Ask for yolo on jailbreak they know who I am :D.
  18. Hey, this is TheSittingJacket. I would like to be in xG! I mainly play surf, minigames, and jail break. And I am starting to play on the xG TF2 servers. I really like the people on xG, and I think I will be a great member! :afro:
  19. I would really like to join because it seems cool and i get board alot...
  20. uhh.... Game time is 13h +1 givers are | -1 givers are DarkWolf6052 | gluepop
  21. Hello. I've been playing jailbreak since time immemorial.
  22. Hello everyone i am very happy to finaly asking to join xG its a great clan i got most game it owns and its a pretty good serious clan