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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. I've been on the xG mg server for pretty much at least 4 hours a day for the last week, its addictive xD. anyways, the xG people all seem cool, and i think it'd be awesome to be a part of xG. and of course i get the awesome [xG] tag if im accepted. As to the GMT-8 i thought it ment my time zone for some reason. i know ive spent about 205 hours on CSS, and about 30 of that on the xG minigame server.
  2. ive been playing on all the xg servers for quite some time now.. ide say like 8 months i dont really know :(. but im just a good guyi follow rules and ive been a donator for a few months.. i mainly play on jailbreak and sometimes RPG surf. im a good warden and i dont have an anoying squeky voice and a good mic (turtle beaches x11):joyous: i havnt been that active on the servers recently but im picking up the pace..
  3. I would like to join xG for several reasons. One, I'm supporting a gaming community that I am already involved in. Two, the people on xG are generally very friendly and create a good and peaceful community. And lastly, xG is fantastic way to play games and get to know you're fellow players who play on these servers as well. Thanks for taking the time to look at my membership request. Goodbye!
  4. Guys Guys I'm mature, know motd, nice, and kinda helpful, I swear. I have a mic, and I love CS:S
  5. I want to join because xG seems like a cool community and i would like to join it because i enjoy playing with the rest of the people that are in xG. i also want to help out with any problems if there are and if i can handle it.
  6. I would love to be apart of xG. I have been playin on the server for about a year and a couple months and I absolutely love it. The people are friendly and accepting, the servers are fun, and it's all around a good time. Thanks -James Bond
  7. Been waiting to apply and finally did.
  8. Thanks, I hope you let me become part of xG!~ Edit: Wrong steam id, sorry: STEAM_0:1:25111833
  9. I would very like to be a Xeno Gamer, The Servers seem fun and nice! Most of the people Have fun, and seem nice. I really like the servers! And i'd like to keep them that way, I don't really like people ruining that fun. :joyous::tears_of_joy:
  10. Your in-game name: Satanicchipmunk Your real name: Cameron Recht Age: 17 The game you are applying from: Css Your game time currently: CSS: 322 hours TF2: 150 hours Your favorite game: css Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: model and map making admin experience
  11. I have played in the Xeno Gamers servers for only a few days now but it seems like a friendly yet serious community where the people know how to respect other players and make the game fun, so if you will let me I would be very interested in joining Xeno Gamers.
  12. Luke


    Please let me join D:
  13. Please consider my application! :glee: Thanks
  14. Please +1 me it means alot to me Ill see you on Jail Break
  15. Hello People, i am Megan Jr. i know i had have some rough times with being immature, but if u give me time, i can mature :3 thx. Megan Jr.:loyal:
  16. Hey, I was hoping to see if I could apply to be in XenoGamers. I am in the group on Steam. Thanks. :smug:
  17. I would like to join xG because I am a huge fan and player of your jailbreak server. It would be an honor to join the clan and the fun (:
  18. Country: England. Uk. Age: 16 In-game name : Major Swag Time played : over 1000. Mostly on Jailbreak. Well to start of with i'm good at Counter Strike Source, a good player and know's the rules well in [xG] jailbreak. i have got to know people very well in Jailbreak and with some i seems to be good friends now, so in the servers i will not be hated(much) i have been on the servers for a long time equal to about a day, Always respect's Admin(s) If i do something wrong i will do my best to fix that. Thank you for your time.
  19. I'm also starting a new YouTube channel called DrivenByGames, and i was planing on filming on your server a little :)
  20. **EDIT:Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12024669** Im sheep. I hope to get back into the clan-swing, and this looks like a good place to do it. I'll try and stay as active as i can and get to know everyone.
  21. Well, I would like to join Xg because i think its a really cool gaming community. I've seen Many memebers playing around servers and think i would like to join. I have played computer games such as Minecraft, Teamfortress and counterstrike and have seen a quite a few Xg Memebers in my experiences of gaming. Now i think its about time for me to join. If I eventually get excepted i will definetly spread the word and even try to get more members. Sincerely, Rise.
  22. Hey its Kasteli, i have played on the jailbreak server a lot and i enjoy every minute of it, joing them and repping a great community would be awesome. I usually play around 9:00 and i use my mic well.
  23. Hello, So I have played Tf2 for a very long time and whenever I'm on steam I always get notices about xG events and such. I am looking for a clan to call home and this one seems very well-organized and has a large community. I have been an admin for a tf2 server before for Suxors Gaming, so if an admin position is ever needed, I may be of assistance. I have very good communication skills and deal with situations very well(Most of the time). I am friendly/ respectful to others and I do what i can to be on a good standard with people even the ones I am not fond of. Tf2 is one of my favorite games and it would be awesome if I could meet more players who play it. Thanks for taking the time to read this!:adoration: -CH33ZYB33F
  24. I know I haven't been playing very long, but I've grown to enjoy the xG servers more than any others. The other players aren't huge douches and everyone tries to have fun for the most part. I have a mic and do not have the high pitched voice of an 11-year old girl. I enjoy many different servers (Jailbreak, Surf, Bhop, Gungame, etc.) and am looking to expand the amount I play each day. I'd love to be a part of the clan and would help with some donations as soon as possible too (not trying to bribe y'all, just saiyan). Hopefully you guys add me! Thanks!! ---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ---------- Apologies masters. I rushed through and didn't realize it wanted Steam ID, not steam pro name. My Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:51193638