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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. im 15, but will be 16 in a couple of months.
  2. Second time trying to get in. :C
  3. I would like to join XG Because it seems to be a fun group to be with and be more the happy to join in events,and make friends doing so.
  4. I would like to join xG because the admins are nice the servers have some of the best maps. I am also a donator for xG.
  5. Member Name: fluffyrturkey In-Game Name: fluffyrturkey Steam ID: fluffyrturkey Age: 16 Game Time: 126 Hours Game / Server: Jailbreak Helpful Skills: I have a mic.
  6. Just wanted to apply as a member of xG since I have played in JB server for a while and I realized that I would really love to get to be more involved in a server that is my all time fav :)
  7. Hey guys, it's Cpt. Anal. I haven't been on xG's servers for long, but I have really started enjoying myself and liked getting to know a bunch of you xG members. I love playing Jailbreak, and being a good CT (I'm a bad warden, but through the MOTD, I am learning. :D), and I also love to play other xG gametypes like RPG Surf DM, Bhop, Deathrun, and the occasional Slide Race! I will be a great addition to the xG community, and I will be active and help populate the less populated servers. I'm a very nice guy, and if you don't know me, you should get to know me, cause I'm a nice guy. :D
  8. Hi, my name is Callim. I'm baaaaaaaaack :)
  9. This is my application to join xG. :]
  10. Guys Guys I'm mature, know motd, nice, and kinda helpful, I swear. I have a mic, and I love CS:S
  11. I think I should become a member of XenoGamers because I have played the servers for quite a while. I have always had a lot of fun on all of the servers.I really hope that I could finally become a member of xG. I am always respectful towards the administrators and I always follow the rules. It would mean a LOT to me if I could FINALLY become an official member of the XenoGamers community!:joyous::joyous:
  12. This is CuntyMcGoo... for some reason CuntyMcGoo was already taken so I had to get creative and make my name ooGcMytnuC. Soooo can I join [xG]?
  13. im previously of hellsgamers,I dont have a annoying voice,I have a Good attitude,Im all Ways welling to help other in need.:calm:
  14. Thanks, I hope you let me become part of xG!~ Edit: Wrong steam id, sorry: STEAM_0:1:25111833
  15. I've been on the xG mg server for pretty much at least 4 hours a day for the last week, its addictive xD. anyways, the xG people all seem cool, and i think it'd be awesome to be a part of xG. and of course i get the awesome [xG] tag if im accepted. As to the GMT-8 i thought it ment my time zone for some reason. i know ive spent about 205 hours on CSS, and about 30 of that on the xG minigame server.
  16. I want to join because xG seems like a cool community and i would like to join it because i enjoy playing with the rest of the people that are in xG. i also want to help out with any problems if there are and if i can handle it.
  17. Get me in xG Please!!! ---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ---------- +1 Cool guy
  18. Hello People, i am Megan Jr. i know i had have some rough times with being immature, but if u give me time, i can mature :3 thx. Megan Jr.:loyal:
  19. Luke


    Please let me join D:
  20. I would love to be apart of xG. I have been playin on the server for about a year and a couple months and I absolutely love it. The people are friendly and accepting, the servers are fun, and it's all around a good time. Thanks -James Bond
  21. Your in-game name: Satanicchipmunk Your real name: Cameron Recht Age: 17 The game you are applying from: Css Your game time currently: CSS: 322 hours TF2: 150 hours Your favorite game: css Do you have any special skills that we can use towards the community: model and map making admin experience
  22. I would very like to be a Xeno Gamer, The Servers seem fun and nice! Most of the people Have fun, and seem nice. I really like the servers! And i'd like to keep them that way, I don't really like people ruining that fun. :joyous::tears_of_joy:
  23. I have played in the Xeno Gamers servers for only a few days now but it seems like a friendly yet serious community where the people know how to respect other players and make the game fun, so if you will let me I would be very interested in joining Xeno Gamers.
  24. Please consider my application! :glee: Thanks