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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. I love playing on the jailbreak and the surfing servers. Im not a dick and i respect all admins and xG members. So please let me in to the greatest clan of all time and trust me u wont regret it!!!:glee:
  2. I just want to be xG and contribute to the community. Im a fun guy and i try to be nice and not trash talk (NTT). Im 17 and i think im pretty mature...but at times youll catch me making a pervy joke. Id be honored to be xG. Thanks if you +1 or even read this! - Ezio Auditore Da Firenze is my other name, as i also go by feen the hooman.
  3. please accept me in xG i want to be in xg soooooooooooo bad.
  4. Hey guys, it's Cpt. Anal. I haven't been on xG's servers for long, but I have really started enjoying myself and liked getting to know a bunch of you xG members. I love playing Jailbreak, and being a good CT (I'm a bad warden, but through the MOTD, I am learning. :D), and I also love to play other xG gametypes like RPG Surf DM, Bhop, Deathrun, and the occasional Slide Race! I will be a great addition to the xG community, and I will be active and help populate the less populated servers. I'm a very nice guy, and if you don't know me, you should get to know me, cause I'm a nice guy. :D
  5. I was in [xG] but something happened to my account so I had to make this one. Also, if the number of posts is a problem, I don't know why but for some reason the site isn't recording my posts or something.
  6. Hi its Kasteli, this is my 2nd app, i play on the css server a lot, i like the friendly gaming community and i would like to rep that. I have a mic and try to use it well. I usually play around 9:00
  7. Since I've bought CSS in STEAM, I found xG Jailbreak as one of the most populated and name-catching. This game was legit, all i've played in CSS. I never actually played deathmatch game in CSS, I come to CSS to play xG Jailbreak only(seriously no lie.). I play fps in other games so shooting skills arent a problem(sniper). I sometimes go practicing surf in xG surfing server. My laptop broke down (HP Crap), i got a new gaming computer. Runs very fast. I've always wanted to join as an official member of xG so here I am, after a year I am applying now :D I play Sudden Attack, GTA IV (Steam), TF2, TDU2, Saints Row the third, Minecraft. Please consider my membership application and I hope I will become an official member of xG :)
  8. I'm usually on late at night, so i'll be able to help out in late night games.
  9. Get me in xG Please!!! ---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ---------- +1 Cool guy
  10. I have played xG for a while on the tf2 Saxton Hale server and i decided that i wanted to become a xG member.
  11. I've heard a lot of good things about xG, I also hope to join soon to enjoy it better. ALSO MY FRIEND BRIAN HELPED ME OUT.
  12. I would be a very good asset to the xG community! :DD
  13. i have almost been on the server for a year but my original account was hacked, and i lost the password. i started around the time haa-dron started actually :) i have been banned but that was a stupid mistake on my part, and i apologize for it. i am also on the server quite often seeing as i have an auto immune disease called S.L.E. and many other medical issues so i cant go to school. do not +1 me for that simple reason, as i never really ask anybody to feel bad :)
  14. I play on xG a lot. xG is basically one of the only servers I play. i used to play a few but now i basically only play xG. I play xG surf a lot and sometimes Jail Break and MiniGames. I have benn playing in this server for a while now and i made a lot of new friends here. I don't cause trouble and follow the rules. I just hope i can join the xG community.
  15. i would like to join xG i have been playing "RPG serf" for a month now and i think i have made a couple enemies but have mad many mor friends so i would like to join
  16. I am in the Marines, my mos is 0311 (Infantry Rifleman), I have enjoyed playing Counter Strike for years and I still enjoy it to this day, just looking for a good clan to play with and you guys look like a good one, so i am trying out for yours. Hopefully you guys allow me to join, if not no hard feelings :)
  17. I hope I get accepted into Xeno Gamers.
  18. Just wanted to submit a form to become an xG member. I believe that I deserve this because I've been playing on xG servers for quite a bit now, and I've been a Steam Group member for quite a bit as well. I'm a very friendly person and I get along with people very nicely. I'm still a sophomore in high school, but I believe that I'm mature and responsible enough to become one of you all. -Timo (Pronounced Tee-Mo, as many of you pronounced it Tim-O haha)
  19. Hello ladies and gents! My name is Mr.Spongeboob that is Spongebob with 3 "o's." Most of you know me and know of my pure popularity on the server. I think I should be in xG because I am a really cool guy and I play RPG surf alot! I have alot of friends on the server including my best bud RAGEQUIT and let's not forget Megan! Oh man do I have some good times on xG servers HAHA! Well I hope you like my submission. Love, Spongeboob (from the bottom of my heart <3)
  20. i would like to play css with many people. especially xenogamers
  21. STEAM_0:0:14945158 Favorite game: CS:S Special skills: I'm pretty calm and I usually know how to deal with most situations.
  22. Please Post Here if You Think I deserve +1 :)