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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. Well, I would like to join Xg because i think its a really cool gaming community. I've seen Many memebers playing around servers and think i would like to join. I have played computer games such as Minecraft, Teamfortress and counterstrike and have seen a quite a few Xg Memebers in my experiences of gaming. Now i think its about time for me to join. If I eventually get excepted i will definetly spread the word and even try to get more members. Sincerely, Rise.
  2. Please +1 me it means alot to me Ill see you on Jail Break
  3. I know I haven't been playing very long, but I've grown to enjoy the xG servers more than any others. The other players aren't huge douches and everyone tries to have fun for the most part. I have a mic and do not have the high pitched voice of an 11-year old girl. I enjoy many different servers (Jailbreak, Surf, Bhop, Gungame, etc.) and am looking to expand the amount I play each day. I'd love to be a part of the clan and would help with some donations as soon as possible too (not trying to bribe y'all, just saiyan). Hopefully you guys add me! Thanks!! ---------- Post added at 01:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ---------- Apologies masters. I rushed through and didn't realize it wanted Steam ID, not steam pro name. My Steam ID is STEAM_0:1:51193638
  4. Hey, I was hoping to see if I could apply to be in XenoGamers. I am in the group on Steam. Thanks. :smug:
  5. I would like to join xG because I am a huge fan and player of your jailbreak server. It would be an honor to join the clan and the fun (:
  6. **EDIT:Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12024669** Im sheep. I hope to get back into the clan-swing, and this looks like a good place to do it. I'll try and stay as active as i can and get to know everyone.
  7. Member Name: NinjaPortlink In-Game Name: SJ Ninja Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9056592 Age: 12, but mature Game Time: about 3 years Game / Server: i like mostly to play css, which is my main game, and i enjoy hanging with my friends all the time :3. Helpful Skills: i can help support clan's, and even tho i am already supporting a clan right now, i would be happy to support yours too. :3
  8. I'm also starting a new YouTube channel called DrivenByGames, and i was planing on filming on your server a little :)
  9. Hey its Kasteli, i have played on the jailbreak server a lot and i enjoy every minute of it, joing them and repping a great community would be awesome. I usually play around 9:00 and i use my mic well.
  10. Hello, So I have played Tf2 for a very long time and whenever I'm on steam I always get notices about xG events and such. I am looking for a clan to call home and this one seems very well-organized and has a large community. I have been an admin for a tf2 server before for Suxors Gaming, so if an admin position is ever needed, I may be of assistance. I have very good communication skills and deal with situations very well(Most of the time). I am friendly/ respectful to others and I do what i can to be on a good standard with people even the ones I am not fond of. Tf2 is one of my favorite games and it would be awesome if I could meet more players who play it. Thanks for taking the time to read this!:adoration: -CH33ZYB33F
  11. please accept me in xG i want to be in xg soooooooooooo bad.
  12. I just want to be xG and contribute to the community. Im a fun guy and i try to be nice and not trash talk (NTT). Im 17 and i think im pretty mature...but at times youll catch me making a pervy joke. Id be honored to be xG. Thanks if you +1 or even read this! - Ezio Auditore Da Firenze is my other name, as i also go by feen the hooman.
  13. I love playing on the jailbreak and the surfing servers. Im not a dick and i respect all admins and xG members. So please let me in to the greatest clan of all time and trust me u wont regret it!!!:glee:
  14. I was in [xG] but something happened to my account so I had to make this one. Also, if the number of posts is a problem, I don't know why but for some reason the site isn't recording my posts or something.
  15. i have almost been on the server for a year but my original account was hacked, and i lost the password. i started around the time haa-dron started actually :) i have been banned but that was a stupid mistake on my part, and i apologize for it. i am also on the server quite often seeing as i have an auto immune disease called S.L.E. and many other medical issues so i cant go to school. do not +1 me for that simple reason, as i never really ask anybody to feel bad :)
  16. i would like to join xG i have been playing "RPG serf" for a month now and i think i have made a couple enemies but have mad many mor friends so i would like to join
  17. Hi its Kasteli, this is my 2nd app, i play on the css server a lot, i like the friendly gaming community and i would like to rep that. I have a mic and try to use it well. I usually play around 9:00
  18. I'm usually on late at night, so i'll be able to help out in late night games.
  19. I have been playing on Xeno Gamer's minigame server on CSS and I have gained love for this clan. I want to support and be part of this awesome growing community. Please accept me as a member of this community.
  20. Since I've bought CSS in STEAM, I found xG Jailbreak as one of the most populated and name-catching. This game was legit, all i've played in CSS. I never actually played deathmatch game in CSS, I come to CSS to play xG Jailbreak only(seriously no lie.). I play fps in other games so shooting skills arent a problem(sniper). I sometimes go practicing surf in xG surfing server. My laptop broke down (HP Crap), i got a new gaming computer. Runs very fast. I've always wanted to join as an official member of xG so here I am, after a year I am applying now :D I play Sudden Attack, GTA IV (Steam), TF2, TDU2, Saints Row the third, Minecraft. Please consider my membership application and I hope I will become an official member of xG :)
  21. I have played xG for a while on the tf2 Saxton Hale server and i decided that i wanted to become a xG member.
  22. I would be a very good asset to the xG community! :DD