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About Me

Found 1191 results

  1. lol well to start off recently ive been getting back into playing css again and the only servers ive been having fun on are the XG servers, this past weekend ive spent alot of time on the jailbreak and minigame server, had a good time and enjoyed playing and would like to join your community =)
  2. Basically ill have been playing with xeno for a year this month. Im pretty dedicated i play only the xeno servers (slide jailbreak etc..) and even the minecraft server. Id really like another chance to get back in because i have stopped my trolling substantially. What harm can i do to the server. Id really appreciate this because it will show my year of playing on here hasn't been for nothing. This will probably be my last app because if i dont get it this time i will probably stop trying. I play jail break a few times a week but i cant do it every day. Id like to feel like a part of the xeno community after a year of not being in it. (besides the short time a was a member) Please consider me to be in this clan there are people who have only been playing for a month who get in and ive been playing for a year. We need someone with my kind of experience so people can see the dedication people have to this fine server. And one last thing. Smoker i know as soon as you see this you are going to -1 it and say a bunch of bad stuff bout me but hear this. I tried to talk this out with you like men. I sent you a message months after my ban apologizing for all i did and have told you multiple times if you want to let by gones be by gones and discuss our issues im more than happy to. You however never respond to me and when i do play with you, you actually asked someone if they wanted me banned because you could do it. People reading this i tried to talk to smoker but he is just being stubborn and wont listen to me. Just take that into consideration before you -1 this app because of that.
  3. Feel free to vote for me, I hear you get cookies :s
  4. really enjoy if i can become a member if not ...i don't care
  5. Hello i wanted to join! i got in invite through steam so just wanted to make sure
  6. I love playing minigames on CS:S. I'm usually there and I usually start it. I quit CS:S in the summer and looks like I got removed for inactivity from xG. I remember the community. Aegen Duckii Papi and some other people
  7. I like FPS and RPG games the most, like Mass Effect or Team Fortress 2
  8. Hello I'm new here and would love to join XG. The jailbreak servers are really fun and I spend most of my time there.
  9. I am looking to join cuz its been fun playing with u guys in Jailbreak.
  10. Hello :D My name is ŋØ]©ħáЙςĚツ i love xG and i would love to get into the clan, Im in the steam clan already but i wanna be able to put xG On my name :P so, The first time i played xG i just LOVED IT, I put it on my favorites right away! i know alot of the xG members for example, Serbian,AsnPika,Jesus,Chrono and so on, I Would really be happy if you looked this over and thanks for your time ;D +1 For Cookies :P And i understand if i cant get in Thanks :D Bye now
  11. About Me: My name is Jeffery, I do have a job and whenever i don't work i try to get some game time in. If i work i try to play but most of the time i dont get the chance. I do have school, im a Junior and all i do is try. I try my best and that all that matters... Right? I love in Florida and it sucks here. I hope to be accepted and I will be a very good and loyal member. Just like to add that if theres a problem with me or that i do something wrong i try to fix it. I believe no one is perfect and I try to improve all my mistakes. Thank you, McBouble. Edit - i put in the wrong steam account its jefferymiller1215_mcdonalds
  12. ive been playing on the surf rpg server for about 2-3 months now its great fun im a slight troll but its all fun and games i dont try to make kids cry i can usually get on every other day for 3-4 hours unless i have to watch my lil bro and everyother weekend im on all weekend long and i dont like hackers!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Look At My Other New One Please xD Sorry i made a new one instead because i messed up on this one on my info because i put Canada Eastern 5:00
  14. yeah 10char lol why is this box even here i just posted all mah shit right there mane^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  15. Im looking for a good gaming community, i had recently been removed from a clan for to fault of my own. Im a major player and just want to have fun,
  16. Recommendations: Herpes and E.Z Killer
  17. I'm probally gonna get -1 and just to tell ya im not a troll for people who think
  18. Uhhhh. I'm looking for someone too help me with the age thing. Im not annoying, My voice isn't annoying and thats about it...
  19. The only server i play on CS:S is Jailbeak #1 and love it with all my soul! I just want to be a part of this awesome stuff! i know the MOTD and "unwritten rules" and everything like that. Also, i just love to play, i have a rocket fast pc, internet, and have an HD mic.
  20. Luke


    Let the Trolling begin![/font]
  21. I would like to apply for xG after playing in your servers for a long time.(only server i really play on.) And i think you guys could really use me to make the community more friendly to everyone.
  22. Hello I have been playing on xG for a while now and I would love to be a part of the community.
  23. I've been on this server for a long time, and I laid out my last App wrong so disregard that. I am an experienced player on Jailbreak, I have only been slayed for freekilling twice in my entire CT career, and I think I'm a generally nice and funny person to be around, so if you could take time to +1 me into your clan... :D
  24. so hai. I just start playing this again around new years, so trying to get back into cs. Found the server just after I started and have been playing on it since. I mainly play on the rpg surf but have visited some of the others.
  25. I play Jailbreak a ton and xG easily has the best server for it. I love the guys that play on ur server and especially the xG members. All solid, humorous guys (especially Doug). So, naturally, I'd like to be a part of this entourage. DEUCES.