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Something went wrong with my backpack

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Alright, so like, a few weeks ago, i had over 200 items in my backpack (over 100 clean weps, 2 keys, over 13 refined, souls, and other stuff). So then i logged on and went to TF2, and the first thing i always do, is check my items in my backpack (Force of habit i guess), and like, all my stuff was gone. I thought it was a hijacker, but Steam Customer Support said no one other than me had used this account.


So, any idea what it might be. Rise said it happens when you have a bunch of items in your backpack, and dont get more space, you lose all your tradeables. But i had only lost my metal, keys, stranges, and haunted items. I then smelted my over 100 weps into 4 refined, and am slowly working my way upwards in the trading indusrty. But i still would like to know, WTF happened to my items.

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