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Bane Gmod Application

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I've been playing on the xg gmod server for a long time(6 months)and am somewhat active on team speak. I really want to be able to do more on the server and will be more active. This is my second app, and i hope ive been able to change since the last one.

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-1 Bane is not somebody who I would consider respectable in terms of their relation to the server and what he does for it. Most of the time he pushes the boundary of acceptable behavior and is someone who likes to take justice in their own hands. He does not ever see when he is wrong, nor does he accept it when he is told he is wrong (which is frequently). He likes to bend the gray areas around rules to his own use and will claim to be justified in his actions regardless of the situation. I, and other admins, have attempted to ban Bane before. However, because of the LUA error that exists he was not banned and continued to play in his destructive style that he plays in. To give bane any sort of privilege of power seems like a terrible mistake to me. He is not somebody who actively looks to play what is considered is right, but instead looks for fun and misbehavior. Bane is usually the one in the middle of events of breaking of the rules (typically RDM) and I think, if anything, he should be banned for his past behaviors. Certainly not given power over others.

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Honestly i cant argue with any of you, but my main issues with what people say is there are several mdos/admins who i have personally seen rdm on a daily basis and when they do it its fine, but when a regular member does it then suddenly they are this consistent rdmer, who is constantly referred to as that.

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Honestly, how about you gather some proof of that and go ahead and post it on the abuse forum and then let it be dealt with that way. Your issue is moot and irrelevant to this thread concerning your desire to be a mod. Prove people are doing what you are saying they are doing. Don't just say they are.

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