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Last CT Music

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Hello, my name is Chucktheman34. As you all know, Last CT Music is a pretty popular subject to debate; what genre of music it may be, where it's from, yadayada. So, I have three ideas concerning last CT music. Number one, having the person who donated most in a month gets to pick the last CT music, and it remain the theme they pick until next month's winner. Idea number two, is to have a raffle on the website, either by doing something similar to the 20k credit contest (the sharing picture on facebook, liking the xenogamers page one). The last idea is to have a contest, either dealing with most points earned in-game during a month, or possibly based on activity. Those are all my ideas, and I thank you for your time.



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-1. While it is a good idea to give some sort of incentive to a member that has donated the most each month/played the most/won a raffle, I don't think this should be it. My main problem with this is that we are leaving it up to one single person to decide the last CT music for the next month, and if they wanted to they could uber-troll by putting on One Direction or some other shit like that. Personally, we should make it a weekly or monthly vote on forums, with a list of songs to choose from. This way, we can select what the community wants most, instead of what a single person wants.

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