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Disrespect to members.

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dude, if your gonna play on this sever on my opinon ,you should learn who the admins are right away, when i first started playing on xG i relized that a good friend of mine(in-game) EroSennin had moved to this sever and became a mod, me and him go way back, and i have alot of ze admins as my friends on steam... all im saying is take the time to learn the admins and the members

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I personally see a LOT of disrespect. It's quite annoying to be perfectly honest.

Many time I've been minding my own buisness, playing my respective role, when a member of the clan will insult me for no reason.

Not just playful insults either, very rude and unnessesary.


Not to point names and name fingers, but...

MajorB, this morning around 7:00 am (EST) , was extremlly rude.

Said to me things like, "Shut the **** up, you've been here for one day, learn your ****ing place."

This was only after I had told him his mic was bad and that the T's couldn't understand him well.


It's stuff like this that ruins the game for the people out here just to have a good time.


Most people are respectful, just there are a few bad eggs >,>;

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