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Emperorgeon - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

Dragon Emperor Geon

Steam ID:


So I'm playing on the trade server, just waiting for a trade that might interest me. While on Trade_SuperMario64, a Mod that goes by "Vector" decided to get mad after I commented on a kill of his. Which was on me.


He decided to argue with me, and banned me on the spot, whilst calling me "a Faggot with no life".


I know this is against anyone's rules. Can I please have a ban appeal?


This is as much information as I can offer, as not much led to the ban.

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First of all you have no proof at all.

second of all you post in the wrong area

Third of all you trolled on the island delfino map when @@HaplessIdiot which at the time we had to mute you

Another thing you seem to lie, is that i never said that you were a faggot with no life. so go ahead and spread bull shit while your at it.

I banned you for 5 mins for trolling as i turned into a pyro and on the nintendo 64 map we had a really shitty map with much areas locked down. he then proceeds to make comments about it saying something like "oh you finally killed me" which i replied with oh so you're good at video games. he then proceeded to say you mad? you mad? and yes i did get up set. i kicked him and then proceeds to come back and do it again. i banned him for 5 mins then comes back and tells me he made this thread and proceeds to ignore what i was saying to him, telling him he posted in the wrong thread and everything

overall this "admin abuse" thread is nothing but ludicrous


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