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Member Name: OMoonCat


In-Game Name: Orbiting Moon Cat


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19335317


Age: 14


Game Time: 172 Hours of CS:S and around 400 Hours of Minecraft


Helpful Skills: I follow the rules and help admins enforce the rules on their servers. I know how to report violators to the moderators/administrators via forums. I am also familiar with the admin abilities mod that the XenoGamers Jailbreak server uses. I also have never used cheats on a public server since I first bought CS:S (Or Minecraft). Also, I am in good standing with the Valve Anti-Cheat program. If there is anything else you would like to know about me please contact me. I am usually on my computer. If you need some proof on my claims, ask [XG:M] Herpes Derpes for information. He is a friend of mine and we have played Jailbreak together often.



IMPORTANT: I do own a microphone and I am willing to use it. (No, my voice is not annoying or squeaky.)


Thank You

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once again, dont say anything about volunteering for moderator pl0x. doesnt help your case its just annoying. -1 tho since hes not 16.

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+1 I know him real life, I told him about this clan and such. He's mature, doesn't really ever talk unless needed to and does know all of the rules.

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i will give u a few more hours for any more vouches... Also selby ur vouches will not be counted ... Just because hes not 16 mean u can vouche him down for being underage.

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After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com

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