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Saxton Hale

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The tf2 section is kind of dead so why not perk it up. Alright down to business Saxton is broke as fuck. I think it's just kind of getting ignored. I recently have been playing Saxton and When I become Saxton it's a fucking nightmare. Scouts just piss me off too no end. They are good when you're against hale but not when you are hale. I can deal with them being fast as fuck but those goddamn homing balls. I'll sit there for a whole minute getting annihilated. It sucks so much. Homing Rockets are kind of broke they are really more of a I hope this curves. I bought the 50 cal Revolver perk for spy. I have no idea what changed. Perks have just stopped working. Of course the rtv system needs to be fixed. The people that don't know that Saxton only works on arena is usually a big majority of the people on the server. They get confused and they want to know what happened to Saxton. Now I know it's not your guys fault but why add ctf, MvM, or ever cp. I just think Saxton needs the most attention at the moment. Shut down the server if you have to it wills help a lot, thanks. - Muzzle

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