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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

☢ Marmite ☣

Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:



14 and a half

Further Information:

I think I posted a member submission before but it didn't go all the way through (some kind of weird browser glitch) but anyways, I go on xG Jailbreak from time to time and it is very addicting, I looked at all the rules and I am very mature. I am also turning 15 soon if that makes any difference? I'm usually quiet on Jailbreak but I go warden sometimes, nobody really says anything about my voice even though it's a bit offputting to me over the mic.. overall I am a kind fellow and try not to make people get pissed at me. I also like making new friends and I am active, it's just that I have a summer job and I also have to watch over my baby brother sometimes. So I might not be on 24/7 I would also dedicate my time if you would approve my application as an xG and I'll be active on the forums. Thanks for reading all though most of you probably don't know me. (y)

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